
Which Guy Looks More Attractive?

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I like to use tennis players because I love tennis and watch it all the time so I have an idea about most players incredible at it.

I always ask this question so if I am annoying you do not have to answer it, but I never post pictures of the same guys. I just want to know what look I should go for.

So which one is hotter? Rafael Nadal or Marat Safin? Here's pics for those who don't know who they are:



I posted this on Relationship because there were too many fans on the Tennis Section arguing over each other.





  2. federer...

  3. Nadal....he has a cute smile nd a fit body nd i also love his tan

    hes also a really sweet nd genuine guy so he has the personalitiy and the good looks :D

  4. Rafa is well the hottest :-))

    He has such a cute smile and a HOT body and he's such a sweet, genuine, kind guy

    OMG he's sooooooooooooooooo sweet =)

    He is the actual definition of hotness :-P

    Vamos Rafa xx

  5. Nadal. (I'm a woman).

  6. Marat Safin

    He looks more masculine and tougher.

    Safa has really small/squinty eyes.

  7. both! i can't make up my mind!

    they are both hot

  8. It's not just pictures. There are more facts, from having watched real persona in action. Nadal's definitely hotter !! I've seen him on TV since his 1st Roland Garros win 2005. I see Safin look alike guys everyday. No attraction what so ever.

  9. Well, if you're asking just purely, who's better looking, the answer is clear, and it's Safin. If you take two pictures of the two that are dead on the face, Marat's face is more symmetrical and masculine, which, aesthetically, makes him better looking. If you want to look at the intangibles, such as character, physique, body, etc. I still think it is Safin. He's shown such a range in how he can be attractive - long hair (when it was super long and curly, or in a bun in 2005), super short hair, like you've shown above, and/or mid length with some small curls. He is 6'4" with very broad shoulders and has a fantastically toned body. Basically, as other players have said, he is the prototypical tennis player - if they could choose one body that they could have, they would choose Safin.  Then there's the personality - he's funny (watch any one of his interviews on youtube), likable, likes to have fun, and is a free spirit. He also clearly shows his passion by getting upset in matches - breaking rackets, etc... which many (esp women) find very attractive.

    I think Nadal's body is incredible. His muscles are just insane. But, overall, Safin is the better looking guy...  hope this helps!

  10. nadal

    -better body, smile, tan and personality

    *my opinion

  11. It depends on the girl. For me as a hetrosexual male I think Nadal is more attractive because of his personality-He is a top guy, great competitor yet one of the most gracious and respectful players on the tour.

    Safin is a 'bad boy' He always has a different attractive girl on his arm. He is more of a 'bit of rough'!

    I love Jennifer Capriati-She is so hot and lovely-I miss her so much!

  12. Nadal has a better body but Safin is much, much cuter.

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