
Which HD T.V. under $1,000 is best?

by Guest56276  |  earlier

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Which HD T.V. under $1,000 is best?




  1. Best is very subjective. Depends on what you're looking for, are you looking for an LCD or DLP? Are you looking for lots of inputs or fewer inputs but better resolution? Are there specific inputs you're looking for? Does size matter?

    All of these questions would need to be answered before suggesting a 'best tv under $X.

  2. Although the first answer is correct, I can tell you from personal experience that Vizio TVs are very impressive and well priced. I bought the 37" VX37L, and it is one of the best looking and well priced HDTVs I have seen so far. It has a large array of inputs, as well as a built in digital tuner (standard with all new TVs now) so I am prepared for the switch in 2009. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a reasonably priced HDTV.

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