
Which HDTV Widescreen has better picture quality?

by Guest21205  |  earlier

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They're both pretty much the same price, but these features are different:

One TV has 1366pixels and a contrast of 10,000:1

The other TV has 1049088pixels, but they haven't mentioned the Contrast (so I'm guessing it isn't that high)

Which is more important for picture quality, Contrast or Pixels?




  1. Pixels: You only need to know if the TV is internal 720 or 1080.  1080 is 'better', but you can hardly tell for a display that size.

    Contrast: Higher contrast is better, but be careful.  "Real" contrast is like 1000:1 or 4000:1.  But if you measure differently and call it 'Dynamic' contrast, you can print huge numbers even on a poor quality set.

    For LCD - you want 120 hz refresh if possible to reduce motion blur.

    Beyond that - there are more subtle things like processing, software, number of HDMI inputs, etc.

    Fact: Home theater magazine put 7 televisions in a room and masked off the brand names. They had the reviewers come in and watch for a while and pick their favorite.  They were told that all the TV's were 1080, but the guy who set things up slipped in a 720 Pioneer.  The Pioneer came in second place for picture quality.

    So it's more than just what the numbers can show.

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