
Which Hamster Bites More ? Syrian Or Dwarf Campbell Russian ?

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I'm Getting A Hamster But I Cannot Decide Between A Dwarf Campbell Or Syrian !

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1) Which One Bites More ?

2) Which One Do You Recommend ?

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  1. syrian bites more. i recommend dwarf campbell.

  2. 1) Syrians are much less prone to bite, but if you want more than one your only option is two dwarfs. Syrians will kill eachother

    2) I recomend syrian or dwarf depending on what you want but my only experience with a dwarf was a bad one :(. But my friend had a syrian that never bit me once and i held it at least once a week. :)

  3. We have a Syrian female hamster and she's so sweet.  She never has bitten any of us.  They have bad eyesight so if your hands smell like food they might bite.  But really they don't otherwise, at least from my experience with Syrian Hamsters.  I'm not sure about Dwarfs.

  4. 1. I don't really think one bites more than another i just think it depends on the mood and personality of your hamster.

    2.I have had 3 dawf hamsters and only one of them has even biten me. It only bit once pry because i scared it.

    * I would hold the hamster before perchasing it so you know if it is friendly and you like it and everything.

  5. 1.) Dwarfs bite way more than syrians do.

    2.) i recommend the syrian. the long-haired ones also known as teddy bear hamsters. they are the sweetest and the best. i am on my 6th one and i love him to death

    P.S. males are easier to take care of

  6. Dwarf bite a lot more, Syrians are the best.

  7. 1) Dwarf hamster's bite more as they are more territorial.

    2) I reccomend a Syrian hamster as a first Hamster.

    Here's my babyee...

    She's never ever biten me, she's syrian.

    I find syrian are easier to tame.

  8. Dwarf hamsters bite more definitely

    but it all depends on the mood of the hamster.

    sorry I dont like them so i dont know which is better

  9. 1. sryain hamsters have the reputation of biting a lot but that is the owners or breeders fault. none of my three hamsters i have had would ever bite me. once syrians are tame they remain tame no matter what even if negated. my second hamster yoda wouldn't bite me if his life depended on it. i have six dwarf hamsters in two cages right now, they wont bite me unless i wake them up or scare them. it just seems to me that syrians are more loving.

    2. it depends on what you want. if you want more then one hamster you have to buy dwarfs, unless you buy seperate cages. dwarfs are smaller more energetic which makes them a bit herder to handle and let run round the room. i obiously suggest one sryain or evern two (seperated) and i have owned multiple of each.

  10. 1) Campbell's bite more than syrians, but can be tamed. Syrians are the easiest species of hamster to tame, and if properly trained, will never bite or nip.

    2) Many people go for a Campbell's because they are smaller and can be kept in pairs, but a Syrian makes a much better pet for beginners because of it's calm temperment and easy tameability. Syrians also live longer than campbell's.

    Good luck choosing a hamster!

  11. 1)it really just depends on the hamsters temp. hold it and play with it for a moment, which ever floats your boat(which ever u like best)

    2) it depends if you want 2 or 3 then get a Campbell, but Syrians can be fun all by them selves, which ever one you think will suit you best:^)

  12. 1) dwarf hamsters bite more.  i've had over thirty of them!  they can be cranky at times and bite easily when scared.  my syrian has never bit me or nipped at me.  

    2) i recommend the syrian hamster.  they are very gentle, very friendly, and once they get used to you they seem to enjoy being held.  at least mine does.  

    3)syrians need to live alone though.  you can keep dwarf hamsters together but they may fight after time.

    let us know what you decide!  they are both good pets but the syrian hamster seems more gentle and social to humans.

  13. hi!

    1) ||||Syrians||| bite much more than dwarf hamsters because they are the most solitary of them

    2)I recommend Dwarf Campbell

    - dwarf Campbell are

    -easier to tame

    -much more playful

    -friendly with those of his kind  and Syrians aren't

    To make sure you buy the most suited hamster for you check this website to find out more about their behavior  and about their breed

    Good luck and a hammy day!

  14. i have 2 dwafs and 2 syrians! in different cages to me dwarfs bite WAYYYYYYYY more

  15. 1) I'm pretty sure dwarfs bite more than syrians. However all hamsters have a tendency to bite.

    2) I recommend a Syrian because they are bigger and easier to hold, whereas dwarfs are very fast and hard to catch.

  16. 1. dwarfs bite more

    2.syrians are better, nicer, bigger (cant run as fast) BUT they are very wiggly, where as dwarfs you can cup with your hands.

  17. 1.cambell dwarf hammie bites more

    2.i recemend russian dwarf hammie or a syrian i have kept both!!!!!!!!!

    hope this helped =)

  18. They both bite for certain reasons when scared,squeezed etc. If your a first time owner get syrian they let you hold them and are bigger and dont run as fast. As for dwarfs it takes a while to let them like you they are more like animals to watch but you can still play with them just takes a while to let them like you also they are more active and playful. Their both good ive had both!!!

    Good luck!

  19. I had one of each of them before and dwarf hamsters bite more in their cage once you get them out they're fine but syrian bite all the time.

  20. i recommend the Dwarf Campbell Russian,they are more sociable and good choices for first time hamster owners.i think the syrian hamster bites more but i'm not too sure,cuz they say  Dwarf Campbell Russian are more sociable.

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