
Which Harry Potter Character..?

by Guest62477  |  earlier

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Should i dress up as for my birthday party?

as you've guessed, i want to be someone in slytherin bt i can't decide

like i love snape.. but all my friends are being the school kids so i didnt want to not fit in, my best friend said i should be malfoy, since she's being harry and she thinks it would be funny for us to act like enemies and i look most like pansy, or since it's my party, should i be harry? what do you think?

and can you please tell me what i should wear




  1. I think you should be Snape. xD

    He's just a fun person to dress as.

    But if you were wanting to fit in, perhaps Tom Riddle (in his years at Hogwarts).

    Of course, you could always be Pansy too.



    answer that.

  3. Well since it's your party you should definatly be Snape, he is wayy cool and it's you party you can be whoever you want to be =P.

  4. be Milcent Bulstrobe jokin

    it depends on you and you'll do whatever you want to do.

  5. You should be Pansy.  

  6. be Horace Slughorn. Honestly, how many people you think have dressed upi as him? everyone always chooses the obvious characters, go for something original!

  7. hmm you should be Pansy Parkinson

    but i think Snape would be wonderful

    or the Bloody Baron! <-- ( Slytherin House Ghost )

    just get really bloody lol

    Voldemort would be a good idea but people would prob run and scream VOLDIE! lol

    Pansy Parkinson" Get a wig that is like a dark bob and some slytherin house robes

    Snape: Get a dark messy/kind of greasy hair wig and long dark robes

    Bloody Baron; get some old robes and put some chains around your ankles and put blood all over yourself (fake not real of course!)

    Voldemort; Get a snake like face with no nose(two slits to breathe lol) and long dark robes

    Have fun!!

    its really your choice ^_^

  8. go as voldemort.

    he was afteral in slytherin.

  9. DOBBY of course He was Malfoys servant!!!!!!!

  10. you can be crabbe or goyle, or since its ur party,   hehehe VOLDEMORT!!! wow. or pansy

  11. hmmm.... well I think that you seem to like slytherin, and to be Harry would be out of Character. But it is your party and you would want to be the star of the show, so I say either go for Draco or Snape....or Lord Voldermort!! Now that would be wack!!lol


  12. The easiest would probably be Malfoy, and you'd just wear school robes, and slick your hair back, and make it blonde if it isn't.

    You could be Slughorn for the hilarity factor, he is head of Slytherin in the last book don't forget!

  13. Go with Snape. You don't have to run with the crowd, be a rebel!

    Wear black robes, of course. (The billowing kind. So you can make an impression.) Must be high collared and not the frock kind.

  14. hedwig

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