
Which Hawaii Football Jersey should i buy??

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I want a jersey thats tight like a real jersey. also idk which one is the best one to buy. im 5'8 16 years old and i weigh 155. so yeah. i need one that fits like a highschool jersey. so if i wanted to. not saying i will but i can see how i look with it with pads. on. so here are 3 choices that i need help on. just tell me the number you thing i should get.

1. black hawaii cuztomized jersey with my name on it. my cest sice is about 35 all around. and on the site it says width acroos so yeah idk. a small. but take a look.

2.ebay jersey. colt brennan authentic jersey. but im looking at it and its really cheap. but yeah. also it doesnt have the name on the back but look at it. would it fit...theres also a xl one.|39:1|66:2|65:12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318

3. just a redskinds one but small on ebay. his original redskins one size small.|39:1|66:2|65:12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318

or if you knew where else then tell me.




  1. i would go with the second one... brennan is a stud

  2. I'm an Auburn fan, so i am not familiar with most of the Hawaii stuff. Get the first one! It will always singnify that "This is me. Deal with it!" lol :) Good luck with you squad this year!

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