
Which Heavenly Body would be Sufficient?

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Ok----it was once quoted by someone (can't recall who)----he stated something like:Give me a lever large enough and I can move the world.

Ok----what heavenly body would you select as a sufficient fulcrum-point to wedge that lever between it and the earth to affect this 'earth shaking' change?

Lighten up---we can have fun too---can't we?

or if you are the serious type---what would the dimensions of this lever measure---and what would you construct it from?




  1. The answer is John McCain. He has white hair like God supposedly does, so he is the closest to God. Under the white hair lies a brain.

  2. LOL, I like your attitude. Yes, why not have some fun too!! :-) Where do they make intelligent and funny sweeties like you? :-)

    It was Archimedes who made that statement, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world"

    In order to get best leverage, I would choose a fulcrum point nearest to earth and yet sufficiently large to serve as a sturdy fulcrum - the MOON... or we could toss d**k Cheney in LEO (low earth orbit) and use his shiny head (or axx) :-)

    Mass of earth = 5.9736×10^24 Kg

    Mass of strong, charming man like me = 100 Kg  ...a bit exaggerated but easier to use round numbers ;-)

    Ratio of earth to human mass = 5.9736×10^22 Kg

    Distance from Moon to earth = 384,400 Km

    So the other side of the lever needs to be 384,400*5.9736×10^22 Km

    = 2.3x10^28 Km = 3.09x10^13 Parsecs = 2.43x10^15 light years

    The estimated size of the universe = 9.3x10^10 light years

    So the lever needs to be longer than the universe and therein lies the conundrum... some possible solutions:

    (1) Use d**k Cheney's head in LEO as fulcrum. Assuming 500Km, the lever needs to be only 3.16x10^12 light years -- still larger than the universe

    (2) Ask Ultraman (from Japan) to move lever. His height is 130 ft and weight estimated proportionately at 13,000 Kg. Using d**k Cheney's head in 500Km LEO as fulcrum, the lever now needs to be 2.43x10^10 light years - roughly 1/4th the diameter of the universe. Phew!!

    I would construct this lever from the "WMD claims" Bush used to justify the Iraq war. If America got suckered into spending $4 trillion because of them, those claims must be PRETTY STRONG!!! :-)

    (3) Call BS on Archimedes for making such brash, unachievable claims

    Deal? ;-)

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