
Which Heavyweight Champion had the superior "Sleakly Sculpted" Physique. Evander Holyfield or Ken Norton?

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Many powerful athletes are built like Mack Trucks. By the same token many fast agile athletes are built like Olympic Sprinters. HOWEVER it is a VERY RARE athlete that possesses the poweful muscles of Hercules that sleak down to an impossible 31 inch waist! Especially athletes that weigh over 200 pounds! Evander Holyfield and Ken Norton were such genetic wonders. Heavyweight Boxings "Greek Gods"!

Hollywood of course had the perfectly built Carl Weathers who played Apollo Creed in the Rocky movies. His Herculean muscles were so "sleak" that Arnold Schwarzenegger once said during the filming of Predator "I actually had to really step up my workouts to look athletic around Carl Weathers!

Ken Norton was actually Stallone's first choice to play Apollo Creed. George Foreman said that Kenny's Pysique actually itimidated him at first!

Evander Holyfield's body is SO SUPERIOR it looked like it a 25th Century Genetic Cyborg from Sci Fy! He was built like a Mr Olympia/Sprinter Hybrid!




  1. both were in great shape but id say holyfield was in the best of shape

  2. I would probably lean towards Evander Holyfield on this one. I remember being a young teenager, trying to do some of the same workout that Holyfield did, hoping I could achieve his shape.

  3. Believe it or not this one is a bit easier than you might think.  That distinction would have to go to Evander Holyfield.  Here's why.

    First, look at a young Muhammad ALI.  In some ways, HE had a superior body to Ken Norton.  Before you have me committed, take a look.

    You can pile muscle on nearly ANY body.  However, what MOST (99%) bodies LACK is perfect SYMMETRY.  THAT is why ALI had Perfect Balance.  Sugar Ray Robinson had it too.  That is why both men could dance the way they did.  Norton had a more Defined Muscular body than did ALI but ALI had perfect SYMMETRY from Head to Toe and Left to Right.  

    Arnold Schwarzenegger also had Perfect Symmetry.  Bruce Lee had it as well.  Not many HUMANS have Perfect Symmetry.  Denzel Washington also has it.  Most Olympic level Gymnist have it.

    Believe it or not,  Ken Norton had a perfectly CONDITIONED body but he DID NOT have Perfect Symmetry.  Here are the noticable differences between he and Evander Holyfield.  

    If both were Thin or Fat, you would see even more differences between them.  The waist is about the same.   Norton didn't have Evander's perfect "V" shaped back.  He had a lot of muscle but his FRAME was not close to Evander's.   Evander was Near Perfect in Symmetry.  Norton wasn't as close as you think.  

    Norton's arms were Very long for his height and build.   He also had a long upper torso, which made his legs appear short.  He looked better in 76 when he fought ALI at Yankee Stadium.  There he weighed about 220lbs.  The muscle did a better job of hiding the slight imperfections.   At 202 (first ALI fight)  you could see the difference in the very long arms.  His shoulders appeared almost frail compared to the muscular arms they had to support.  

    Norton added muscle to his body which filled out the slight slump in his shoulders.  His 220 brings him very close to Evander's 215.  In muscle definition Norton might actually have a slight edge.  He piled on more "Muscle" than Evander.  However,  Evander's legs are the perfect length for his body.  His Left/RIght Symmetry is also identical  (except the ear Tyson bit off.  LOL........Sorry, had to).  BIGGER is not always BETTER but, in Norton's case it helped if you're talking about Perfect Physique.

    The big difference is Evander's Back and Shoulders.  His Pecks aren't as pronounced as Norton's.  Ken might have a slight edge here.  Still, overall, I think the nod goes to Evander Holyfield.

    Now Imagine if ALI TRAINED the way These guys did.

  4. Evander did. They both had good physiques but holyfields was beter. Im pretty sure Evander took steroids but? How about Mike Tyson's physique? He had a great physique in his prime.

  5. here the list and take your pick ken norton, mike weaver, evander holyfield, and frank bruno nuff said !!!

  6. you sure like to ask a lot of irrelevant heavyweight questions...

  7. EDGE

  8. Physique wise you would have to go a long way to find a better one than Frank Bruno, wasn't the greatest boxer although he did hold a world title at one point, his physique was absolutely amazing, the only thing is i would say it hampered him as all the work in the weights room made him cumbersome when fighting.


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