
Which Home Teeth Whitening Methods REALLY Work??

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I've many methods like :

rembrandt kits



wood ash

apple cider vinegar

some people say they do some say they dont work?

whats your take on them?

ps. crest white strips suck, so please dont mention them




  1. The most common option used as homemade teeth whitening agent is baking soda, which has a mild bleaching action. Given that it is used in baking, it also implies safety. Baking soda is sprinkled on the toothbrush, and teeth then cleaned using a gentle, circular motion. Care should still be taken though, especially for people with gum sensitivity. Old wives’ recipes often state that a paste of baking powder, a little salt, and a few drops of white vinegar, works effectively.

    Salt, used exactly as baking soda, is also touted as being a good teeth whitener. However, it might just be its osmosis, dehydrating action that makes teeth appear whiter, since dehydrated teeth look whiter.

    Lemon juice is often used, but it had high acidic levels, so teeth can weaken in the long run. Other natural, fruit options regard rubbing the inside of an orange peel on the teeth. A strawberry cut in half and the inside rubbed on teeth also works. Mashed strawberry can also be applied with a toothbrush. Apple cider vinegar is also said to be effective. Dried orange rind, and walnut bark, is also good.

    For other effective home teeth whitening solutions, you may wish to read about them here :

  2. None of them work, it's all c**p.

    They just wear your teeth enamel down.

    The only way to whiten teeth is professional teeth whitening at the dentist.

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