
Which Hurts <span title="More:?????????????????????????">More:????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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And anything else you would like to diss about one or the other.

And Could you also rate the pain on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful)





  1. what? sorry i dont understand the question

  2. threading hurst more cos it takes more time, but waxing is not as accurate. I would go for threading hands down. the pain isn&#039;t bad, i&#039;d go with a 2. Woo!

  3. Did you even ask a question?

  4. figuring out your question hurts the worst  8~)

  5. Waxing hurts more and doesn&#039;t last as long as threading.

  6. Hand on stove vs. Childbirth

    No idea, I&#039;ve never been stupid enough to try either!!!!!

    Oh yeah, and waxing hurts a lot less. In fact, it barely hurts at all. Rrrrrrip!!!!!

  7. well ive never threaded , but i heard its horrible. a family member of mine goes and says its one of the worst pains in her life ! and ive waxed, and its about a 3 . i like waxing just cuz its so CLEAN and fast

  8. There are no options!

  9. I once had a little cyst on my eyelid.  According to the dermatologist, it was necessary to prod it with a needle until it popped.  So, I literally DID have needles stuck in my eyelid.  Most painful experience in my life.  Pain:  10

    It&#039;s followed closely by the time that I ran into another kid at school during gym and the pressure was so great that the cartilage split open and I almost lost my left ear.  Lets just say that I run kinda fast lol.  Pain:  8

  10. Threading Them

  11. i dont get it...whats the questions? =).x

  12. i say waxing 8 and threading 9  

  13. 5

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