
Which Is Better: Contact Lenses or Glasses?

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which one is just easier, in your opinion looks better, safer, and just all around better?




  1. i say contact lenses are better.. they look much better and they are easier to use. when you are on a ride or doing a sport you do not have to worry about taking your glasses off.  i saw contact lenses are safe enough. you just have to wear them according to the instructions

    contact lenses are all around better:P lol

  2. Even though I am a contact lenses wearer, I must say that there are pros and cons, For example, contact lenses sometimes, they might just pop out from your eyes, it happened to me once. I was luck that I had a pair of eyeglasses inside my car so I took the other contact out and I wore glasses to drive back home. But in the other side, contacts give you more freedom, since you don't have to worry about damaging your glasses. I actually alternate between them. When I get home, I take my contacts out so my eyes can rest, sometimes if I wear them for too long they get dry and they kind get stuck to the eye and its hard to take them off. I would say get glasses and have contacts as well.... if you practice sports you want to wear contacts, if you just going out, you might just wear glasses and on and on. I just want to remember that today, eyeglasses frames are much nicer than before. So eyeglasses are like a fashion accessorie now.  

  3. i say glasses, becuz you still can have sun glasses just to tell them to put it in there. and you are fine i love them becuz it does not need to wash them, clean them every time. and if you forget to take the lenes out you eyes will hurt alot .

  4. It depends on what you want. I prefer contacts because i can wear sunglasses and i don't have to worry about them getting wet when it rains or i go swimming. Glasses are nice because they don't get dry at the end of the day. It is pretty much personal preference.  

  5. I wear both.  My eyesight is VERY poor (20/2000) **yes, I meant to type two thousand.  I have worn contacts since 1982.  I started out with "hard" contacts then switched to soft extended wear lens, and finally to Monthly lenses.  Make sure you have regular visit with your doctor.  But I am very grateful for contacts, because my vision is actually better with them.  The lenses sit right on your eye, so there is no distortion.

  6. glasses--contacts have their own problem in wearing, maintenance  

  7. l would have to say contacts

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