
Which Is The most Cheapest And Most Costliest Laptop?

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Which Is The most Cheapest And Most Costliest Laptop?




  1. why are you asking this in cricket community??..

    Most costliest is Apple Mac air

    And cheapest is Acer.. :-)

  2. As 007 you should know all.

    Acer, Lenovo are cheaper than HP or Dell. And Mac is the most expensive.

    BTW: 'Most' and 'cheapest/ costliest' do not go together.

    Most means "est". So do not use the 2 together.

    Like : more is Comparable Degree and , most is Superlative.

    No two Superlatives should be used together.

    cheap, cheaper, cheapest.

    good, better. best.

    Laptops are very useful in cricket today.

  3. Most cheapest Laptops are Dell Laptops. Most costly laptops are Mac books. It all depends on the laptop configuration you are looking for. What is the configuration you are looking for? If you are not familiar with the configuration then please provide the details of  purpose laptop for you.

  4. this is cricket session

  5. what does this have to do with cricket,anyways check the web address.

    hope this helps

  6. Cant you read? This is the CRICKET section!

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