
Which Is Worse: Queen Kate or Queen Camilla?

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Darren: All spouses of English Kings have been known as Queen.

For example, Henry VIII's second wife was not known as Consort Anne Boleyn, she was known as Queen Anne Boleyn.

And so it will be with Camilla and Kate when their time comes!






  2. both

  3. Definitely Queen Camila

  4. I Just hate Camilla! Give me a thumbs up if u agree!


  5. I gave you a Thumbs Up Kandys-Kisses-X

  6. You are correct in that HRH the Duchess of Cornwall will legally be Queen regardless of whatever she and the King decide she should call herself (just as she now is legally the Princess of Wales, but is smart enough to eschew the title for PR purposes).

    I find Camilla to be a dodgy piece of work, willing to cheat on her husband with her fellow adulterer, HRH the Prince of Wales.  If ever two wrongs didn't make a right, it's those two.

    Kate seems like a nice enough young lady who realizes the enormity of marrying into the Royal Family.  Her boyfriend's mother certainly made clear the pitfalls of a royal marriage.  If she weds Prince William, I think she'll do so with her eyes open and she'll do her best to live up to the roll.

    Unlike Camilla, Kate is also pretty darned cute.

  7. They are equal, I do not want to see Princess consort Camilla become Queen or take William's place. And I don't think Kate is right for William.

  8. Do none of you realise that Camilla will never be Queen, even when Prince Charles becomes King? She will become the Kings Consort. Since Charles is divorced and remarried, Camilla is not allowed to be called Queen.

    I think Queen Kate sounds fine. ALthough she'd probably be Queen Kathryn.

  9. I like the boys well enough,but am tired of the rest. And I wish their mom was still alive. I don't care who Wills marries, and of course whoever she is the press will again hound both of them to death. Anything for money of course, and so the royals are paying dearly for their fame. Camilla will never be queen, and neither she nor Charles impress me. No integrity, no loyalty,either one of them.

  10. There will never be a Queen Camilla but there could be a Queen Kate

  11. The worst is Queen Camilla. Fingers crossed the day will never come...

  12. Kate Middleton is definitely not "Queen" material. Prince William is capable of finding someone from a better upbringing and family lineage.

    Kate gets annoyed at the public for following her everywhere, and instead of spending a low key weekend with family, she decides to go clubbing at a hot spot with her entourage...

    She is pretty immature for her age and does not understand the meaning of "public figure." A person with no qualities and a big heart is definitely not "Queen" material.

    Prince William is such a fine young gentlemen with two great inspirations in his life, his supper granny, the Queen and his mother, Diana Princess of Wales. He dumped Kate once, possibly because he knew they were not made for each other, I certaintly hope he does it again, and this time for GOOD!

  13. I don't have a problem with either of these ladies.

    (I also liked Diana)

  14. I have no time for Royalty, cost the nation to much money, so I don't care, one is as bad as another

  15. What's your question?. worse in what way?

    If Kate marries William and he becomes King, of course she will be known as 'Queen', and if Charles is still alive when Queen Elizabeth leaves the throne, Camilla will be known as Queen. But neither will rule, neither will have any authority, neither will do anything more useful than pour tea and serve as patroness for worthy causes, so I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.

  16. With Kate, that's a long time off.   And, if you've ever dated much, you'll know that you you date a lot of girls before you decide which one you wish to stay with for a lifetime.  

    With Camilla, I feel he's made his mind up.   If you're married, you've made your mind up, too.   So, my question is, given the facts, are you saying he should be held up to higher standards than you?  And, then when they should those higher standards, people say they don't move with the times?  

    How can you have it both ways?    Tell me what has Camilla or Kate done that requires abdication?   And, when or if you come up with something, is it something that you yourself have not ever done?   Divorce?      Playing around?  Tell us?  We want to know.

  17. Yes you are right in saying that the consitution states that the spouse of the King is Queen. They stated that Camilla won't use it ,but I'm not so sure.

    I'm sure William won't go into marriage lightly after the media circus and royal mistreatment of his mother. It may happen, may not.

    My vote is Queen Camilla!

  18. Queen Kate I can forsee in the future.  Queen Camilla I don't know if thats possible.  I don't have a problem with either.

  19. I don't know about Kate but thank you but no thank you to Camilla

  20. Queen Camilla, but it can't happen as she is a catholic.

  21. camilla of course.

  22. there is nothing wrong with either of them.

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