
Which Is the Bigger Ecological Problem: Global Warming? Or the Global Disappearance of Bees?

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And if it's the bee problem, why is "global warming" getting all the attention?

Global warming links: (Everywhere you look.)

Disappering bees link:




  1. Bee nice if both issues went away.But it's up to us to let our governments know they should get on with running the country and give the green thing a little rest.They have had their say(and more than enough money)so can we can on with other important matters?Remember the bee problem when they come back next year and remind us all why some have worried for nothing,just like the hoards of people in the 70s when the "experts"foretold of the coming ice-age.

  2. Both.

    The creation of food shortages vital for the survival and advancement of living human in planet of apes.

    Revealation 17-20

  3. Do you really need an answer to this question.  It's like saying which is the biggest problem - my garden pond drying up or all the water on the planet drying up.

    It's a bummer if the bees disappear but compared to the potential effects of global warming it's the least of our concerns.

  4. Well, since global warming isn't even a problem, definately the bees, because they polinate the most plants. As an answer to your second question, global warming (if you believe the alarmists) is much, much scarier, and so people are more likely to give those people money. Hope this helped!

  5. U missed the worst problem . That is the hatred of Christians by Moslem's and the idea that it is there right to kill u. I don't like the idea that any body has the right to kill who they want to.

  6. I would guess that the bigger ecological problem is the disappearance of bees.

    Think what you want about global warming & climate change.  There is not enough evidence to support the significant impact of humans on the change in the Earth's climate.

    As far as the bees are concerned, the research suggests that the majority of bees are dying due to a mite that kills bees, but not all bees.  Man has had a hand in altering plants and increasing the use of pesticides which has probably allowed for the increase of these mites.

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