
Which Is the best Spec Ops in the US?

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The Navy Seals, Delta Force, Army Rangers, Marine Force Recon, Green Beret. Give me a good answer not there all the same. and if theres any other forces




  1. Ok, first off all of them are Spec Ops so there all elite units. But they all dont go through the same type of training ans the other, some of them do cross train with other school (jump school which pretty much all go to, Ranger and so on...) but each has there own road that you have to take.

    Navy SEALs are a very good sea based spec ops force, but like all Sailors you will go to navy bootcamp, and if you fail out of BUD's you might be sent to one of the special boat teams MAYBE. but basically you will be sent back to the fleet to mop up some ship.

    Rangers have a very good and direct way of joining but still the training is hard and there more of an light infantry shock force, but if you fail most likely you will be Infantry and Airborne so you will still fight with a unit like the 82nd or 101st.  

    Green Berets is more than just being some badass, you gotta have brains and know how to use it and you will learn a whole lot and you will probably use it all during your time in the GB. (all require brains but  Special Forces you must learn another language and to me have a bit more than just some Rambo type of guy) and a lot of Rangers end up going to SF because it is a bit more difficult and after some time in there Rangers you will want something else.  so SF is i guess in a sense a whole lot more training when you think about it. and you don't have to be infantry to go to SF.

    Marine Force Recon to me would be a good choice, the Marines have their own schools but use the Army's and i think the Navy's also while the Army and Navy don't use theirs, they have the hardest boot camp and ITB (infantry school for infantry Marines) and is longer than the Army Infantry School if i am not mistaken, from what i hear it's kinda an easier and i mean much easier Ranger school (probably just a bunch of Marine hype though)  <I'm comparing ITB to Ranger School. so to me the Marines with all the training combined would have the toughest of all. and to me there almost like the SEALs, a sea based Spec Ops Force. and if you fail out, just like the failed out Rangers you will go to the Infantry and still fight. and sometimes you might have to have one deployment on you belt to get in.

    Now all of these you CAN be selected for i do believe, but Delta you MUST be selected for (i could be wrong) and must have much much much much experience in the Army and i don't think they will take from other services. there probably the most hard core but thats only because their experience exceeds the training in a way, these guys have already seen it before they joined it if you understand what im saying. these guys have already done Rangers and/or SF so the would beat them out.

    but you did forget the other one, Air Force Para Rescue or Para Jumper/PJ's (i think there both the same thing if not probably close). now no matter what anyone says about the AF these guys are hard charging warriors no doubt, but there mission i do believe is more of rescue downed pilots and lase target for bomb drops (all Spec Ops lase bomb targets it pretty much just on of those things they all can do) but their training is from what i hear like the training received by SEALs except they learn a lot of medical stuff also. now there a more than a thousand SEAL's, Rangers, Force Recon Marines, and SF Soldiers but i think there are only a few hundred PJ's, but you deal with the fact that you do go to AF basic which isn't as hard as some of the others and if you fail its probably a desk job or aircraft maintaining job for you.

    all in all they could probably do each others jobs, and some are better at some things than others, but in my opinion Delta would be the best, Force Recon, Special Forces, and SEAL's i would put in the same boat put there all too different to do so safely; and then Rangers. (i don't exactly know where id put the PJ's and you also didn't ask about them) it will all depend on the individual and the unit can perform as a team when its crunch time, some would say there all the same and some would say there is too much difference to really compare. each one would think there better than the other and it all comes down to what you want to do, so really try and just think about how much time you want to spend in training and think about how it is you have to get in to each particular unit. personally id choose Marine Force Recon but thats me.

    all this info is my personell opinion ans is not meant to offend anyone, info could be wrong but like i said its my opinion and understanding of each particular organization

  2. None of the above.

    If you REALLY want to terrify people, sic JAG on them.



  3. Members of Delta Force, actually the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, are selected from Green Berets mostly. Green Berets, or simply Army Special Forces, are selected from Rangers and other elite army units like the airborne. Force Recon are the best of the Marines, but can be both a conventional force or unconventional (small special op units). Navy SEALs are my personal favorite. Nobody can operate in a maritime environment like the SEALs. Of the SEALs, Development Group, or DevGru, are the cream of the crop. They're what used to be called Seal Team Six. Of coarse the granddaddy of them all are the British Special Air Service. The SAS has been kicking *** and taking names since WWII and are the inspiration of every spec-ops group in the world. I'd imagine the Israelis are the best in the world since they're the best in the world at everything else, but I'm deviating from the question.

  4. That is an impossible question to answer.  It's a matter of opinion.

  5. I think Marine Recon guys are pretty bad a#@, that is some tough stuff they do...

  6. It all depends on the mission at hand.  Look at this way, if all of them did that EXACT same job,it would entirely defeat the purpose of having all these SOF units.  Might as well have ONLY ONE that does it all!

    NOTE:  Delta Force is a civilian term, you won't be catching us military personnel speaking that term.  The real name is Combat Applications Group and they mostly deal with anti-terrorism, in fact, that is all they do.  And Mr yoo hoo thinks that the SEALs are the ultimate maritime force, they were formed from the UDT and before that the Navy Combat Demo Unit that was formed by the Marines Amphib Recon Unit.  Before there were SEALs, there was Marine Recon.  Just that Marines don't flash themselves over hollywood to brag about themselves of the elite status.  Everybody in the SOF enviroment knows that the Infantry on the ground that the special operations support does the real fighting, yes, the Infantry are the 'real' warriors.

  7. US Air Force Para rescue Jumpers.

    They are Air Force's special ops team. they are trained to rescue downed pilots or anyone else or anything else in any hostile or combat environment

  8. Depends on what kind of situation your in. For example the Green Berets are masters of jungle warfare.  

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