
Which Is the greatest invention of the 20th century? Choose the correct answer and explain?

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1. The "Palestinian" people

2. A stolen land

3. A genocide where people actually multiply

4. An apartheid state that allows the discriminated people to run for government




  1. The telephone. Cheers!

  2. Number 4.

    Definitely number 4.


  3. I have to go with three. As the best of these lies.

  4. It's between 3 and 4 for me. It's astounding that these lies are so believed and perpetrated, especially here in the "travel" section of YA. I wonder why no one seems to notice all the Arabs in universities or working as doctors or pharmacists or why the wealthy homes never make it to the news media.

    The best invention of all though... a bit off topic from your list, is that the Jewish nation continues to reclaim faith and courage in the face of lies and hatred. That Jews try to create groups for peace, that Jews continue to pray for peace and not destruction.

    'nuff said.

  5. 1, 2, 3 & 4

    No need to explain.

  6. The answer is all four. The question is waaayyy too subtle for the Palistinian supporters who answer here.

  7. Hi Lola,

    As sweet saj3a told you the biggest achievement is brain transplant

    Do not waste time posting those silly questions of yours and go have one.


    Ms Miche  ..))-

  8. Aren't the Israelies an invention of the 20th century? Just because you invoke the name of a long dead kingdom doesn't mean you are them.

    2nd. If you want to look for Apartheid go to the West Bank and tell me that is not an example of Aphartheid-like conditiions the Palestinians are living under.

    I think when people use the term Aphartheid they get confused between Israel proper and the West Bank which obviously is being occuped in an Aphartheid-like fashion.

    The name has been Palestine for over 2000 years, the name previous Judea died off a longtime ago. Face it times change, names of regions change. Palestine is the modern name of the region and Judea is the primitive historical name.

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