
Which Justices Agreed to Same s*x Marriage?

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I've been reading about the legalization of g*y marriage in California and several sources say it was a 4-3 decision. Does anyone know which justices voted for and which were against? If you do not know the decision of all the justices could you at least tell me the decision of Chief Justice Roberts(being that he is the only justice I know anything about and am curious about his standpoint)?




  1. The case did not go to the US Supreme Court, so Chief Justice Roberts did not vote on it.

    It only went to the California Supreme Court.

  2. For: George, Kennard, Werdegar, & Moreno

    Against: Corrigan, Baxter, & Chin

    Majority by: George

    Joined by: Kennard, Werdegar, Moreno

    Concurrence by: Kennard

    Concurrence and Dissent by: Corrigan

    Concurrence and Dissent by: Baxter

    Joined by: Chin

    This case was heard by the California Supreme Court, not the US Supreme Court, so Chief Justice Roberts did not take part in this decision.

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