
Which MLB Team are you most afraid to play because you think you'll lose against them?

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Which MLB Team are you most afraid to play because you think you'll lose against them?

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  1. The way the Yankees have been playing, I fear most teams.

    But the Angels really kill me.

  2. Unfortunately, its gotta be the Chicago Cubs. I am a huge Cards fan, and we just can't get a grasp on these guys. They're lineup is quite ridiculous and now they're pitching staff is nearly unhittable, especially with the addition of Harden. Not to mention, now Jimmy Edmonds is killing the ball again and had a huge series against us. Fate is a strange thing. Anyways, as unfortunate as it may be, the team I fear most for the Cards to play is the Cubbies.  

  3. The Angels they are to good

  4. This year it is the Angels.  It used to be the Yankees but, the Angels are just dominant against the Red Sox this year.

  5. Being a Cubs fan, I fear the Diamondbacks with Webb, Haren and Randy Johnson.  Randy Johnson has owned the CUbs during his career.  Webb and Haren are as good as it gets as a 1-2 punch in a short series.  The Cubs have proven that they can hit every team in their league except for this team when these 3 pitchers are on the mound.  Also any team that has Carlos f'ing LEE!! I have never seen a guy own 1 team like he does with the Cubs.  Not that he is another Jeff Blauser(old cubs fans will know what I mean) but he would become a HOF if he played all of his games against my Cubs!

  6. The Angels are the only team in baseball that can challenge the Red Sox in the playoffs. I'm not scared of them, but they are pretty good.

  7. The Angels.

  8. Any as of now, but I have always feared us playing the Angels.  

  9. The only teams I fear are the 29 teams that aren't the Tigers.

  10. I would lose against all of the teams:)

  11. the cubs, the mets havent beaten them yet, we already proved we can beat the angels

  12. None.  The Rays aren't afraid of anyone

  13. Angels. They've owned everybody this year.

  14. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of Earth of North America of the United States of America of California of Orange Count of the city of Los Angeles.

  15. i would lose to every team. I am one person, they are a team.

  16. Dodgers

    Who else?

    I hate losing to them

    but I love beating them

  17. Boston Red Sox.

  18. Yes, it's hard for me to admit but it's true, I fear playing the Cubs the most. Look at how they won the last series last weekend against the Cards, and just every series it seems the Cubs win.  

  19. The Royals or the Pirates!

  20. Angels

  21. White Sox - the Royals just can't seem to beat 'em.

  22. Angels and Red Sox.

  23. Boston Or New York.

    My team is Nationals and they can't win against the superior elements against these teams.  

  24. The Angels or the Cubs.

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