
Which MLB player do you hate the most ?

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  1. NL east (except the phills of course)

    barry bonds

    no explaining needed

  2. Carlos Zambrano. He beat up his catcher last year.  

  3. Carlos Zambrano because he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.

  4. a-rod cuz hes cocky as h**l and needs to get over himself.


  5. Kevin Youkilis. Annoying and he plays for the Red Sox.

  6. anyone and everyone not on the twinks

  7. johnny damon because he

    1.  sold out the red sox and the fans of boston

    2.  cheated on his wife

    3.  is an idiot who looks like an idiot

  8. I hate nobody but I dislike Manny Ramirez

  9. Jim Thome because he was two faced in his comments when he left the Indians as a free agent. If you want to leave then go, just don't lie and act all teary eyed at press conferences when YOU are the one who made the decision to go.


  10. Brett Myers because he beat his wife and he keeps talking smack but he cant back it up.

  11. A- Rod because i just hate him

  12. Don't hate but really don't like:

    Kevin Youkalis-- cry baby when he strikes out

    AJ Pierzinski -- because he's AJ Pierzinski

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