
Which MOS is better for an Officer after Graduation??

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Im going into my Sophmore yr and Im joinin my ROTC Program...Aftr I graduate college Im havin a hard time decidin the branch that I would lik to get into as an officer...My options are Public Affairs Specialist, Civil Affairs Specialist and Combat Documentation/Production Specialist....If you can giv me any experience you had wit these MOS that would be great...Another question I have is with those 3 MOS between the National Guard and Army which ones would be a better f**t for...Which one would hav me to opportunity to travel more and get a better experience out of...Im having a hard time deciding which one I would like to go into after I graduate....THanks!!




  1. Not sure how the different services work now but, I was in the Marine Corps for 4 years and never had a CO or XO in my company that had anything to do with Communications. Most were infantry and just assigned commands wherever needed. This was even true at Quantico where I was an instructor for OCS.

  2. You should examine in detail what each MOS involves.  Then, depending on what you want to do with your life, pick the MOS that will best help you accomplish your goal.

  3.   OK, I am Infantry, been active duty and National Guard.  Been deployed a couple of times.  I have worked with these a lot.

    - If you want to travel go CA.  Civil Affairs are everywhere from Africa to Afghanistan to Iraq to Kuwait to Korea to Europe to Asia to nearly every single Central and South American Country.  Civil Affairs within the Army falls under Psychological Operations and is actually part of the Department of Defense's Special Operations Command (see  The officer MOS is called 38A.  If you are enlisted you get 38B and 38C and some others.  Depends on the specialty within the specialty.  We had CA all over the place in Southern and Eastern Iraq.  The Marines had some Army CA peeps in the West, but most of the West had Marine CA types.

    - Public Affairs are usually stationary at a major command or installation.  Not much movement, but they do a lot of integration and working with the public and our elected officials.  This is a 46Q MOS.

    - Combat Documentation/Production Specialist are the modern term for Combat Cameraman.  They go to specific places and document things.  There is travel, but that MOS is hit or miss as far as action.  HOWEVER, it is a wonderful skill to learn about photography and videography.  Is is a 25V MOS is the enlisted side, and I think the Officer is a 25A

      I hope this makes some sense.

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