
Which Major League Baseball Field Currently In Use Has The Shortest Dimensions?

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Which Major League Baseball Field Currently In Use Has The Shortest Dimensions?




  1. for Left and Right Field, I would think Fenway Park

    if not, wherever the reds Play, or Coors Field

  2. haven't checked, but I think it goes:

    1. Great American in Cincy

    2. Fenway

    3. Citizens Bank here in Philly

  3. Yea it's Fenway Park.

  4. fenway red sox stadium

  5. i would go with Fenway because of the short RF, but most are pretty much the same

  6. great american ballpark for the reds that is so small its unbelievable 370 in gaps!  

  7. Citizen's Bank and Great American both seem to be launchpads, so far.  Here's the actual dimensions, though.

    Right Field - AT&T Park - San Francisco Giants - 309

    Left Field - Fenway Park - Boston Red Sox - 310

    Center Field - Dolphin's Stadium - Florida Marlins - 394

    Left Center - Fenway Park - Boston Red Sox - 335

    Right Center - HHH Metrodome - Minnesota Twins - 352

  8. It's Fenway Park and then Citizens bank park. Note: Coors field doesn't have the smallest dimensions in fact it has large dimensions.  

  9. citizens bank?

  10. Fenway Park

    310 down left field line, 302 down right field.  

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