
Which Mayweather PPV fight would you pay to see mayweather vs DLH,Hatton Or Cotto?

by Guest58249  |  earlier

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Which Mayweather PPV fight would you pay to see mayweather vs DLH,Hatton Or Cotto?




  1. COTTO no dought

  2. cotto

  3. Cotto for sure.

  4. I would definetely want t see him fight Cotto, their styles are very different and should make an interesting match up.

  5. I would like to see DLh I always believe in the Golden Boy.

  6. Cotto, because its the only one that hasnt yet happened..

    I wouldnt mind a 2nd DLH fight though to see how DLH adjusts from the 1st fight.

  7. wwe money maywether

  8. Cotto easy.

  9. Cotto lets see the fight every1 wants to see

  10. Cotto obviously. It is the only pne that hasn't already happened and it is the only one that would be competitive.

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