
Which McCain VP pick would draw more Hillery supporters, Rice or Romney?

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And what would the effect be on Republicans of either choice.




  1. Neither.  Ain't nothing like the real thing baby.  And I want to thank you.  Rice or Romney made me think to pick some Rice a Roni at the market tomorrow.  Yum!

  2. Rice, I heard she was pro-choice from someone on here..

  3. Rice, or any female candidate. I hope he picks a woman.

    Barry's pick is really bad, for the dems. Joe knows nothing about "change" so it makes Barry look like a hypocrite.

  4. My God Rice !!!!  solid

  5. McCain & Rice sounds nice

  6. Rice would cost him votes both from Clinton loyalists and from the Repubics.  She is after all an extension of Bush and his lies.  Her nose is so far up his butt she can't think for herself and long ago stopped using her intelligence.  Anyone else I can take for 4 years anyway.

  7. Please please pick  Dr Rice.  She did such a fantastic job in her last two  positions.

  8. Definitely Rice.   No effect on who McCain choose for VP.  McCain supporters will vote for him regardless of who he chooses.

  9. without any doubt, Condoleeza Rice would have a more positive impact. She is thoroughly trustworthy, extraordinarily bright and would lend herself to the disenfranchised women voters. I would rather McCain choose a female than Romney and I am a Republican!

  10. Neither. Hillary people are either going to vote for Obama or have already decided to vote for McCain due to sour grapes. Those voting for McCain obviously are not voting on issues, proposals or policy, but personality.

    Rice is not in contention for VP and never was.

  11. I would love it if Rice was selected because some conservatives (not all of them) are too racist to vote for anyone other than an old white guy

  12. Rice.  

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