
Which NBA Draft bust had the greatest potential (Darko, or Kwame)

by Guest58116  |  earlier

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and why do you think they didn't grow into a great or good player




  1. Kwame Brown by far has the most potential.. darko is a twig and cant even shoot.. its like kirelenko with no jay.. if your that skinny and cant shoot you ain't gonna make it.. Kwame can get his lifting going and turn around his career.. example is ben Wallace.. didn't do anything in Orlando.. the D can make a player.. cuz now hes week in Chicago too.

  2. Darko Milicic, but he is not a bust hes a good player.  

  3. Kwame Brown is going to Be just like ben wallace and turn into an all star.     Kwame brown didn't turn out because he was under all the pressure of MJ. MJ was slamming him all the time. And then when he got traded to washington, him and gilbert arenas didn't work out. But he also had some off the court issues too.

  4. darko, people expected him to be a dirk with an inside game.

    thats pretty high expectations if you ask me, imagine dirk with a post game.

    he didnt acjieve it because his outside game is nowhere near dirks, hes a different player than what some people thought he was.  he didnt get his time in pistons, which realyl dealyed his progress.

    i think both now have a chance to redeem themselves and get some playing time, i dont think either one will turn out as good as they were expected to be though.

  5. Darko. Consensus #2 pick, absolutely fizzled, great athleticism.  

  6. darko has more potential  

  7. Kwame.  He does have the athleticism and strength to be a huge defensive stopper and he has shown some of that potential with both the Lakers and the Wiz.  Given that Detroit has been a defensive minded team, Kwame could fit in well as a big version of Ben if he tries hard.  But that is a BIG if

  8. Kwame was the #1 pick (Darko #2) so I think the expectations should be higher for him.  

    For Kwame, he doesn't have the work ethic to elevate his game to the next level.  It doesn't matter what team or system he is in, he will never fulfill his potential.

    For Darko, he has not found the right situation for his game to flourish.  Hopefully, Memphis will be a good fit for him.

  9. kwame.

  10. Kwame

  11. mentors were too tough...they had too high expectations.  Their psyche wasn't there.  Hand-eye coordination was weak.  There's tons of reasons really.

  12. Darko is my choice.  

    Kwame Brown at least got the chance to play and learn on the court in Washington, where he eventually proved that he wasn't nearly as talented as he was hyped to be.  I think Kwame was more hype than potential.

    Darko didn't even get a chance to play in Detroit to really show any of his potential - I think that hurt his development to the point whrere there was no way he could ever show how good he could have been. Darko had no chance to tune-up his game against live NBA competition because he was busy sitting on the bench all season (since Larry Brown simply refused to play him because of Brown's stupid personal "vendetta" against rookies and younger players...)

  13. Kwame

    But Joe D will make him kind like B-Wallace  

  14. Darko. he can slash through ppl to make a dunk

  15. Darko Milicic by far. Kwame's gotten what 3 years of starting center and for what? He played with both Arenas and Kobe, and he SUCKED. Darko on the other hand, was a HUGE potential coming out of Yugo, and I am convinced that Larry Brown ruined his chances by not giving him minutes that he needed to become accustomed to the NBA. He's still relatively young at the age of 23 too. Fosho, Darko.

  16. Kwame. I don't consider darko a bust, because when he gets minutes he gets numbers that are respectable. he can play the game. he was drafted by the pistons who didn't even need a big man and did nothing to develop him as a player at all while he was there. where as kwame was drafted to be a key player in washington. and doesn't show any promise at all as a athlete. he looks bored on the court

  17. Kwame, but the pressure of being number number for a high school player.  If Kwame was drafted in another year he would of fell in the draft.  Both player were going to be role players not stars.

  18. kwame, i dont think he turnd out good cuz he was too young and he couldnt take the pressure


  20. darko

  21. Kwame because of his built his body is ready for the NBA but his skills and he has no work ethic that is why he was a bust. i think he will develop in Detroit when he develop his work ethic

  22. kwame is the bigger bust.

    with foreign players theres always a great chance that they wont do good in the nba.  

  23. darko will be better

  24. Kwame, He has a built body with great strength and a huge wingspan.

    I think that Jordan expected him to dominate right away, but that is hard for a highschool bigman. Also I think the coaching wasn't there and he practically gave up. But I think he will develop into a great role player with the Pistons. We could see another Ben Wallace in Kwame Brown.

  25. Of the two, Darko is more likely to realize his potential than Kwame Brown. Why? Darko is starting for a dismal Memphis Grizzlies squad where he actually plays and has his minutes -- to improve his room for improvement. Whereas, Kwame has his assigned 'role' already as a backup center for the East contenders -- the Detroit Pistons. I like them both. Really. Its just that too bad they didn't realize their potential that made the scouts crave-then until now.  

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