
Which NFL player do u not like but have to respect?

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Which NFL player do u not like but have to respect?




  1. Dan Marino! but he still sucks!!!

  2. I'm going with a former NFL player - John Elway.  I hate the man with a passion (even in retirement) but he was so good I have to respect his game.

  3. It's Terrell Owens, as insanely narcissistic as he is, he does play hard.

    I can't say that for Randy Moss because if the team isn't at least decent to great, he won't care enough to try to play.

    As for New England quarterback, ugh. Sorry, but the evidence against them shows that the coaching staff knew what the other teams were going to do, so is he really that good? Besides, without Vinateri (who has FOUR rings), he's 9 points away from being the next Jim Kelly (who I totally like and respect).

    That's my 2 for 2.

  4. I have to go with T.O. I don't much care for his attitude but I have to give him mad props for his game play. Although I will admit his attitude has gotten better since he's been in Dallas.

  5. Donovan McNabb; McNabb has lead the Eagles to a SuperBowl and he is a 10 time pro bowler and has won 2 MVPs

  6. Brett Favre!

  7. Its gotta be between T.O. and Tom Brady, Brady is a prick and Owens is a team wrecking jackass, but theyre both sure Hall of Famers and thier bodies of work and careers are too impressive not to respect.

  8. Terrell Owens, he's an arrogant prick, but a great player

  9. Terrell (AH) Owens

  10. tom brady w8 nvm i got no respect for that cheatin ****

  11. Tom Brady , but his on the field he does it with the best

  12. tom brady. i hate him but he gets the job done

  13. have to be Randy Moss, he made Tom Brady alot better...Brady tht p***y


  14. Easy...Tom Brady. I really don't like his demeanor and his attitude, but his on field play definitely makes me have to respect him.  

  15. Peyton and Eli Manning.

  16. AP mostly cause he's on the Vikings but he has game.

  17. Vince Young - because of what he did to Michigan in the '04-'05 Rose Bowl.  But I gotta admit, he has a bright future in the NFL.

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