
Which NFL team is the most likable?

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Just your opinion...but I mean, obviously don't give an answer like "The Patriots!"




  1. I think the browns they were a feel good story last year and really aren't that bad and i think are a threat to any team.


  3. The Colts. We have a good team, all the Guys are likeable, and we have a #1 QB w/ the arm of a monster! lol But seriously that is why the Colts are so lovable.

    The Giants maybe also.)

    -I dont like the pats either stupid

  4. Winners are easy to like, that's why the Patriot bandwagon has grown since 2001 but there isn't a whole lot of "likable" guys on that team after Tom Brady.

    I've been a Colts season ticket holder (i share them w/ family) since 94 (before they were good). I have a hard time finding a resason for people to dislike them but they do.

    Tony Dungy - good coach & a better human being

    Manning - great talent, stays out of trouble

    Harrison - has never had any problems until the car wash / club incident but we don't know if it was him defending his own or Philly thug coming out

    Wayne - learned from the best, probably toes the line a bit more on this team

    Sanders - BIG hitter stays out of troble

    i could go on & on

  5. My NY Giants and no, not because they one The Last Superbowl, Life long 3rd generation fan here. Because of the history, One of the oldest Teams in the League, Many Accolades of the past and bouts with some pretty dismal years, Average joe team, Not a team who's Owner tries to buy a championship team every season Like the lousy redskins or cowboys.

  6. Right now I would say the Giants, after that is the Colts. People always jump on the winning team bandwagon. The Manning brothers are rockin the sport right now!

  7. The Lions will be this year.

  8. The Browns were a great feel good story last year. Coming out of nowhere after all the teams been through in the past. Also the Saints because of what happened with the hurricane, people want to see them win. Both of these teams don't have TO type players and are easily likable.

  9. The 07 dolphins... because its hard to like a team that always beats your team... teams such as the Patriots and Cowboys make it hard since they destroy other people teams left and right.... I am an Eagles fan

  10. The Packers come to mind...and I honestly hate them. They are a local team with a smaller sized market. Having a guy like Favre also really helped.

    The Colts are probably another team!

  11. i would say either: the bears (unless u are a packers fan u cant hate the bears) the packers, just likable ppl  and the steelers hard working, lots of history and the immaculate reception

  12. The most likeable team for me is the Dallas Cowboys. Why? Because they are my favorite football team. simple as that. ;)

  13. Bucaneers

    Jeff Garcia is the leader of that team w/ Galloway.

  14. the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots

    the patriots the patriots the patriots

    the pp patriots the patriots the patriots the patriots

    tom brady

    tom brady

    tom brady

    tom brady

    tom brady

    tom brady

  15. The chiefs because no of their players talk but they do have great players.

  16. The Cardinals, because it is very unlikely that they will beat the team you cheer for.

  17. the saints cuz of katrina and reggie bush

  18. People obviously didn't read your question right.

    I'd say teams like the Browns, the Ravens, the Saints, etc..

    They're like the Twins or Astros of baseball. There's just simply no reason to dislike them.

  19. Who DOESN'T root for the Packers on some level?

    Well at least before this summer's "festivities," and excluding people in Minneapolis and Chicago.

  20. The Steelers. A family business for 75 years(well going in to 76). The owners know how to run the team based on experience. Dan Rooney was a scout among other things before becoming owner. You constantly hear about how much integrity the team has. They have cut players who have issues with the law, but they also take it on player by player basis for ones that aren't trouble makers. Also the fans don't become overly attached to players and cause splits among fans(like Packers are with Favre). Although I am giving an argument for my favorite team, and we don't care if other people don't like our team.  

  21. The Ravens. Because they are the team that shows that Defense does win championships.

  22. The Philadelphia Eagles!!! but nobody who follows a team will answer anything but the team they root for.

  23. I think the Saints most recently had everyone pulling for them because of Katrina.  And every time they have a good season -- which isn't too often-- people, from all over, root for them.  They are lovable losers.

  24. The Buccaneers.

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