
Which Nascar Sprint Cup driver has the best Nickname?

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In your opinion.......

I like "The Biff" for Greg Biffle




  1. The Intimidator, for Dale Sr.

    Smoke for Tony

    I loved when Elliot was THE Candy Man it somehow does not fit Kyle but ROWDY does and I love that for him.

  2. My favorite one is Smoke. Just something about it.

    I have always liked when they called Jr. the Pied Piper during restrictor plate races. It's a cool nickname, and fitting for him since he leads so much at those tracks.

  3. Several have said this, but Smoke is a real cool nickname. I would pick it 1st, "The Biff" for 2nd place and "The Intimidator" for 3rd.  

  4. smoke!

  5. Come on folks...Lil Easy is hands down the best!  

  6. "Grandpa" - Mark Martin

    "Jeffie Boy" - Jeff Gordon

    "Kyle Bouche" - Kyle Busch

    "Cousin Carl" - Carl Edwards

    "Steve McQueen" - Matt Kenseth

    That's what i'll be calling Kenseth at Bristol this weekend

  7. "Smoke" of course is the best.

    Brat is the best one I've heard of for JR

  8. Well, if best nick name ever....would have to be THE KING...but I guess you can't technically call him a NASCAR SPRINT CUP DRIVER even though Mike Joy called him a 7 time Sprint Cup Championship this year during a FOX broadcast. So I'm sticking to my answer  "The King" Richard Petty!!!

  9. ROW-DEEEEE!!! describes him perfectly, on the track and off.

    "smoke" is a close second in the nickname category, but it was one tony said he earned in all the "wrong" ways. supposedly they called him "smoke" early on in his career because he was bad about slippin' and smokin' his right rear tire back in his usac days. "the rushville rocket" fits him pretty well also. and it fits well with his new teammate's nickname - ryan "the rocketman" newman. that'll be a mean pair of hoosier "rockets" running for stewart-haas next year.

    and i think "big daddy" for jeff gordon has become even more appropriate this past year. how harvick ever got the nickname "happy" is beyond me, as usually seems pretty surly. and mark "the kid" martin, well, his name is a little "old" so to speak...


    and finally, from a question months ago, "chuckles" bowyer seems the most ironic:

  10. "Smoke" for Tony Stewart.

  11. Today "Smoke"

    All time, "FIREBALL" Roberts.

  12. All-time?  This has to go to Clifton "Coo Coo" Marlin!  Perhaps the best driver to never win a points race.

    Of course, now, I'd have to go for "Cousin Carl."  Especially when you take into consideration that he really is Kenny Schrader's cousin!

    On an aside note, congrats to both Carl and Kenny on their AWESOME qualifying times!

  13. Either "Smoke" or "Rowdy".

  14. I like "Smoke". It just sounds cool.

  15. Awesome Bill from Dawsonville or Million Dollar Bill for Bill Elliott

  16. SMOKE, suits Tony to a tee!

  17. Matt The Brat

  18. The Intimidator is the greatest nickname

    The Biff


    Jaws for D.W even though he dosent have any teeth anymore (D.Ws cool though)

    Mark the Kid Martin

    and Rowdy

    are all cool nicknames  BUT my favorite is Cusin Carl (priceless)

  19. Well if you would have asked for best Nascar name, d**k Trickle would have won it running away. But since you asked for a "nick" name I'll go with " Jaws " for old D.W.. For something a little more recent I'll say " Junebug". Man you just know Jr. has to secretly hate that name.

  20. ROWDY of course

  21. Mr. 18, since I made it up. I also like JuneBug and Smoke and the Biff, and Matt "The Brat" Kenseth.  

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