
Which New Clubs?

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I'm going to get a new set of clubs soon. I'm 14, and I'm looking for a good intermediate set. These aren't going to be my final, adult clubs, because I'm still growing some. Can anyone recommend a good budget (<$500) company or set? I am moderately skilled (shoot around 85), so they shouldn't be too fancy or anything. Thanks.




  1. A.M.,

    Try finding a custom clubmaker in your area. They will fit a set to you and not only will the set fit you but, they may be able to help improve your game.

    The club fitter may be able to make suggestions about certain heads and shaft combinations that could help your game more then an off the rack set. Not only that but they can probably do it for less money then the off the rack set will cost. Plus, as you continue to grow, they can make changes to your clubs to match your growth.

    Hope this helps,


  2. nike ignites im 14 and i have  there great

  3. go to a driving range and try a few 5irons of different types. Under $500 means you can pick up a good 2nd hand set off trade me or cash converters. Stick to cavity backs at the moment. It is a matter of feel for you. So you will need to at least swing them before purchasing

    good golfing
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