
Which OS is better Windows or Mac?

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I have been arguing with someone that I know about Mac and a PC. All he kept saying was that Mac was better than Windows..which is completely untrue. I wanted to land in a fair situation by saying they both have their share of flaws..then he says Mac is better. It got on my nerves and is wandering around in my head right now. Can anyone please explain?. Please be honest and back up your info with true facts. I want a solid answer please. Dont say anything bad just answer my question please and thank you. Also please try to explain why Mac gets no viruses/infections while Windows does? Please also include info based on experience.




  1. Apple

  2. Firstly Mac CAN get virus's. Macs do not generally get virus's because windows PCs are far more common so are a better target for virus's. I like windows better because I have lots of computer games and Macs generally are not supported very often in games and a wide range of software.

  3. I recently switched from using a PC for 10 years to using a Mac, and I love my Mac.

    Reasons to get Windows:

    *You like to have full control over the operating system (this means, all the advanced features under the hood, hacking; there are more resources for this for Windows than there are for Mac)

    *You like to have full control over the hardware--can't switch out parts on a Mac like you can on a Windows machine

    *You like to game--see above

    *You like to use random open source programs all over the web

    Reasons to get Mac:

    *You like a machine that works simply and easily, and doesn't crash often, without you having to really know anything about it--this easy use comes from Apple's design of the software, but also Apple's coordination of the software and the hardware. Unlike PCs/Windows, Apple is able to install hardware that works well together and works harmoniously with the software. On the other hand, PC manufacturers will sometimes skimp on hardware in terms of quality, put hardware together that shouldn't really be together, or put too little hardware so that it's difficult to run the OS. (For example, putting 128 MB in a machine running Windows XP, instead of the recommended 256 MB, or even better, 1GB; I've seen it happen).

    *You want a machine that doesn't have to have antivirus or antispyware programs running in the background. The reason why Mac does not get as many viruses as Windows is because the Mac OS has fewer vulnerabilities; it is built on UNIX, so it's more stable; plus the OS has a smaller user base, so less people develop viruses for it.

    *You want to use high powered software, such as Photoshop or other modeling software, or Apple only software, such as Logic or Garageband

  4. I've always been a PC user. I have no problems with Macs. They say that Macs are good for home use and Windows is better for business, but I disagree. I like Windows interface, and yes, Windows is vulnerable to threats and such, but it all comes down to the user. If a user knows how to browse the internet and such, they should be fine, and shouldnt be opening any suspicious links. Macs are very tight on security, but I just dont like the user interface. If you dont like Mac or Windows, there are plenty of Linux flavors out there. I would recommend Ubuntu, its easy to install and easy to use and you can customize it to your preferences. Hope this helps.

  5. im no computer expert but a happy customer  i have been with a Windows 98 for 2 years, Xp for 6 years and about 2 months ago i bought a HP pavilion with Win. Vista.My 98 was my first given to me by my uncle .......good times ,then in 2000 i got a WinXp yes i had bad times with it and some good towards the end when i finally knew more and more on computers .Last but not least my Win.Vista which i fell in love with ,i never had a mac but they used them at school and they where laggy as fu** Macs are out of the competition in sales numbers dont lie every1 knows even mac users so about the viruses not much ppl own macs so a hacker or script writer wouldnt waste his time on a mac they got better things to do i dont hate macintosh ''ihate'' it lol

  6. non of them are better they both have their up and downs Macs are more for people who are musician and luv to edit videos and photos.

    While windows are for gaming and everyday things (surfing the web and stuff)

    and yes wat the person above me said mac dont get much viruses cuz 90% of people uses windows. But that doesnt mean Mac dont get viruses.

  7. Windows is ofcourse better than Mac. With windows, things go easy. there is not much complication with the interface and so on. Windows is more commonly used, so there is more help and downloads. available with windows. windows is optimised for performance, and mac for looks.

    speaking of viruses, if a virus gets in the boot sector, windows or mac, your computer is screwed.

  8. windows is more better.mac don`t get`s viruses because very much people use windows so they make viruses for`s about 10 % mac and 90 % use they dont make viruses for mac.

  9. i prefer windows due to fact it has way more variety on everything like business, video editing, photo editing and mostly Games, mac has less viruses because its the minority in OS, as windows has more users so of course your gonna get more viruses, they both have flaws no OS is perfect but windows provides more for each type of use for the consumer(games,business, video/photo editors etc) so in fair saying windows has been more of a contributer then mac, cept for vista it sucks lol ill stick to my xp

  10. hey i found a site that will answer all your questions about mac or windows. it is

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