
Which Oil weights is best?

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I drive a 2006 Hyundai Sonata V6 3.3L and I had a friend that said I should put AMS 5W-40 oil in. Hyundai recommends 5W-20. Could this actually hurt my engine? I have been getting fine gas mileage but I have noticed the engine has gotten loader. Good or bad?




  1. This is "car audio." People here answer questions about the music systems in their cars.

    I have noticed the engine has gotten loader. Good or bad?

    What does "loader" mean?

    Ordinarily, I would tell you to read the owner's manual. In this case, I would recommend speaking to an ASE certified mechanic who understands what "loader" means. Take your car with you when you see him.

    Your engine may be louder because your muffler has a hole in it.

  2. Your car is still farily new so stick with the weight it tells you too. Once it gets really high milage and quite a few years on it that is when you want to swtich to a 10-30 or 10-40 weight but that is if the car is over ten years old. THe noise may be your fan for your radiator? Turning on no but just getting louder in general. I would get that checked but as long as you are not hearing any ticks or tapping under the hood you know your not going to blow a rod and your valves are still good. SO can't be too bad.       Good luck!!  

  3. Thicker oil does not give your engine more protection, the engine galleries are machined to a lot closer tolerances than in years past and need a certain viscosity oil to flow and lubricate properly. Stick with the advice of the people who designed your engine.

  4. the difference is nominal, you should not even see a difference in fuel economy. as for the noise, that is more than likely coincidental.

  5. for best economy and protection, for warranty purposes, always follow the manufacuteres recommendation.

  6. My husband is a mechanic and i just asked him and he said definitely use what Hyundai recommends because that is what that vehicle calls for from the makers of your car. You can't get better than that!

    And as for your engine getting louder you can try an engine treatment or an octane booster.

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