
Which One Army or Marines?

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Ok I have a tough decision coming up and I need some advice.

I originally was going to join the Army, but I recently talked to a Marine Corps recruiter and now I'm a little confused as to which I should choose.

They both offer alot of things, but Army has the field I would like to go into, but Marines offers me a challenge and I would be the first Marine in my family as everyone else has been in Army, Navy or Air Force.

Its a difficut decision to choose between the two, and I was just wondering what you all thought.




  1. go with your heart

  2. The bottom line is that the college, medical, and pay benefits for the Marines and army are exactly the same as they are all federally funded.  You just need to ask yourself which one will help you become more successful after you decide to get out, because the military is a temporary job whether you stay for 4 yrs or 20.  Try to decide which one will be more beneficial to you when you leave it.

  3. come to nz and join sas thatz if u can get  in

  4. Just follow your heart and trust in your instincts..

    Either way you wont go wrong but you only belong in one, so choose the one that will satisfy most of your needs.

    USMC info

  5. Be sure beyond 100% that the military is what you wanna do but army i am currently in the national guard (its the same dont let anyone tell you otherwise) but there is so many more jobs you can do in the civilian world and college options are great the army is amazing

  6. Join the Marines. The reason I say that is because it is harder initially but overall its more rewarding. Remember nothing worth anything is easy. Being a Marine is something no one can take away, it says a lot about you, people respect that. Besides Marines have better uniforms, j/k.

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