
Which One of these girls do you think is cuter?

by  |  earlier

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  1. your pics are not opening...

  2. the one on the bottom  

  3. I think they are both cute, but if i had to pick, i would say the top one, i don't think anyone is perfect and nor should they try to be, she has a lovely voice ...imagine how she must of felt when she was told she was not 'cute' enough????? poor little thing!

  4. the bottom one..but they're both deff really kute

  5. the one at the bottom

  6. LOL d**n that is so effed up what they did to that little girl! Talk about superficial. Just disgusting.

  7. This story really breaks my heart!  How can anyone tell a young girl that she is not pretty enough to be seen at the opening of the olympics??  She is 7!!  

    I think it is very wrong, what they did!  They made the lip-syncer look like a fool and the 7 year old desperate to be part of the show.

    Sad.  Very sad!

  8. yep what they did isnt right

  9. bottom one

  10. Thats me at the bottom !

    How did you get that?

  11. I think this bottom is cuter. It was really messed what they did.

  12. It's almost sick to think that a country this corrupt and outdated is now emerging as a global superpower

  13. The whole thing disgusts me. Communism at it's best.

  14. The bottom one but it is so pathetic that people need to value looks over talent.

  15. The one with the beautiful voice, what they did was wrong

  16. ovbiously the bottom one but i don't think what they did was right.

  17. I couldn't say, they are just kids. I don't think children should be judged on how cute they look, so I won't choose on principle.

  18. Da Top 1

  19. neither they bolth look like william hung

  20. The top picture is of such poor quality plus it is a bad angle. I think she would have been wonderful if allowed to perform. Considering all I think she is the cutest overall.

  21. I cannot believe they did that! It must have broken the little girl's heart =(. Anyway, they are both adorable; however, the top pic isn't the greatest of quality and the little girl doesn't look very happy, so it's hard for me to tell who is cuter ^_^.

  22. the one on the bottom

  23. they are both cute, but one is the daughter of a high ranking gov official, I let you try to figure out which one.

  24. Americans do this also. Don't you remember Milli Vanilli? Americans are no different.

    I bet you a lot of the singers at concerts lip-sync. People pay a fortune to see them sing. Often these stars just lip-sync to recorded music and deceive the audience.

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