
Which Palahniuk book should i read next?

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I read Fight Club (of course) and thought that is was really good. Then i read Choke (which i just recently found out is being made into a movie) and thought that it was good but nothing too special. I was about 60 pages into Lullaby and had to turn it back in to the library before i went back to school. I liked what i had read so far but didnt want to pay a huge book fine. Please let me know which Palahniuk books you liked the most and think that i should read. Or suggest a book that is somewhat like Fight Club.





  1. You should check out "Rant." It's a story told through several different personalities represented by short vignettes.  

    It's a fun and exciting read, just like Fight Club.

  2. I like Rant

    Snuff also was interesting and short enough to read in an afternoon.

  3. I really enjoyed Haunted.  It was bizarre and intense, but great!

  4. Invisible Monsters and Survivor are my two favorites from him, followed closely by Choke.  

    I wouldn't read Rant yet.  Def start with Invisible Monsters.

    Survivor has a slow start but once it picks up, its awesome.  Then Go back and read Lullaby.

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