
Which Party is for a Global economy?

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Which Party is for a Global economy?




  1. The Republicans are fighting for the New World Order, which was announced by President Bush 41 on 9/11 in 1991. The terror attacks occurred on the 10 year anniversary of that speech. Under Bush/McCain's global plan, Americans will soon become the world's cheap labor market, while the Chinese and Indians build bases on Mars. Welcome to the 3rd World.

  2. The Democrats. They are responsible for the anti-business legislation that makes it cheaper to ship American jobs overseas.

  3. ... The Democrats. They are responsible for the anti-business legislation that makes it cheaper to ship American jobs overseas. ...

    Yes, it would be *much* better for the U.S. if people here were forced to work 16 hours a day for $1 a day starting at age 10. How dare the Democrats be so anti-business! (/sarcasm off)

  4. Both.

  5. haha... im sorry number two,but u basically said "he supports a global economy, but he doesn't."

    Anyway, i'd have to go with republicans on this one. Dems are becoming protectionist and that never ends very well.

  6. Both, but Obama cares for Americans first , He would not allow big corporates to hide their money overseas while exporting jobs overseas.

  7. Both to some extent.

    It did however start with Reaganomics, or more properly named neo-liberal economics.

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