
Which Pet?

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I'm looking for a pet and I don't know the ups and downs of having one. I'm not after a puppy or something but more like a turtle or fish. I like breeding them but I'm not sure what kind of acessories i need or anything... I considered mice or rats but I have a cat and they smell. Thankyou in advance :P




  1. You should get RATS!!!! And they DO NOT smell if you take care of them. As for the cat...I have a cat and my rats stay in my room with the door closed. If you keep them away from eachother, you wont have a problem. Get RATS. Not mice though because they dont like to cuddle the way rats do. And you cant teech mice to do tricks!

  2. ferrets are great pets, and get u alot of money, like 150 dallors each

  3. fish are interesting to watch but they arent very 'hands on' and i dont know too much about them haha

    i'd reccomend lizards - i've got 2 leopard geckos and a bosc monitor - they are really interesting to watch and are huggable  =)

    the geckos get to about 8 inches long, and the monitor about 4 foot. if you want something REALLY friendly and bigger than a gecko but smaller than a monitor, go for a bearded dragon

    leopard gecko:

    bosc monitor:

    bearded dragon:

    there are loads of reptiles to choose from and they arent that difficult or expensive to look after
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