
Which Photoshop program should I buy?

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You know how people on myspace change their eye color and mess with the backgound of the picture?

I'm getting Photosho, but i'm not sure which one to get.

They all sound kinda confusing.




  1. you can just get photoshop elements for that.  also look at photoshop express at for free tools.

  2. I would listen to Derran G.

    Not only is Photoshop a very expensive program, but they are very complicated too.

    I have been told, that you need a couple of weeks to understand the basics, then a couple of months to be able to work with it, and a couple of years to know it all. I do not think it is that difficult, but easy NO definately not.. I have a dvd of Adobe Communication Suite 2 Premium. NL

    I only know, that it was very expensive, I could have bought a second hand car for the same price I was told. I installed it once, years ago. After 1 day uninstalled it  put in in a draw and never used it again.

    I would have profered my second hand car.

  3. I think she wanted an answer.... get the new CS3 if your willing to spend money

  4. they have trials on the website. i have photoshop CS3 extended edition and i didnt buy i got it for free. heres the website:

  5. Why not get Gimp for free legally. Near enough same as Photoshop.

  6. You can create the same effects on all photoshops but. You may have to do a lot more work to achieve in the earlier versions

  7. Regular Photoshop is best, look at this simple tutorials on how to change eye color with photoshop, also, check out the new photoshop CS4 announcement here, I would suggest possibly waiting till this comes out,

  8. You should buy Photoshop CS3 Extended which gives you more features than just Photoshop CS3. For example if you Have An Otherwise Great Picture But Want To Easily Remove or Replace a Person or Object from it you can use Image Stack Which Only Comes with Photoshop CS3 Extended to do it for you. You can also get Photoshop CS3 Extended for only $74.95 from

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