
Which Political Party Wants to Do Away with God More?

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Republicans or Democrats?

The Republicans state that they are the For God Party, but sometimes there actions don't match what they say. Sure, I am pro-life and against g*y Marriages, but there are still other issues.

On the other hand, the Democrats don't officially adopt any religion and don't believe in Under God or In God We Trust. They support abortions rights and g*y marriage/civil unions. There are other issues like poverty and the environment, but don't they just use that for political and personal economic gain too.




  1. You are generalizing entirely too much. You think the laws need to be based on something. Are you implying they should be based on God? If you are, apparently you don't understand that this country was founded on religious freedom. Most Democrats don't give a flying f**k if g**s are married because they realize it's none of their business. Tell me, how does g*y marriage affect your life? If you claim it is because of "God's word', I'll retort with Christ was non-judgemental. Come on, let people be happy. It's not your business to be judging people.

  2.    Mostly the conservative Republicans want us to have strong values. We should have our values guide us, not the government. We also feel that we should give and volunteer.  

       Dems want to help people, the same as most other people. However they feel the government should handle everything. They do how ever support the attacks Christianity.  

  3. Since Obama's church (TUCC) specifically states that it wants to do away (kill) any god that is for whites, and the Democrats fully support Obama, I'd have to say it's the Dems.


    TUCC Website specifically states it is a Black Liberation Theology church and it sites a book it is based upon:

    An article about that book with quotes from the book:

    "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."

    William R Jones, "Divine Racism: The Unacknowledged Threshold Issue for Black Theology", in African-American Religious Thought: An Anthology, ed Cornel West and Eddie Glaube (Westminster John Knox Press).

  4. Of course politicians won't commit to one religion.  That would mean that only that religion would support them and they would lose voters of all other religions.

  5. The Christian Coalition backs the Republican Party, so maybe that is suggestive of Democrats moreso waning to abolition religion.

    Votes, like beliefs in general, should be based on evidence and logic. Absurdities like religion should thus be not be allowed in politics.

    "Everyone is an atheist about everyone else's god, I just take it one god further."

    I strongly suggest reading Letters to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris.

    Everyone should read it. Pro-life as well as religion is shown in true form. If you are willing, please also read The God Delusion

    "When one person holds beliefs without evidence, they are called delusional. When a group of people hold beliefs without evidence, it is called religion." - Robert Pirsig

    If complex organisms demand an explanation, so would a complex designer

    Mans' ethical behavior should be based effectively on sympathy, education, and social ties. No religious basis is necessary. We would be in a poor state indeed if our actions were based on a fear of punishment or hope for reward after death.

    peace & good luck

  6. Neither.  This isn't a theocracy

  7. I wouldn't vote along party lines anymore. The two parties used to stand for democracy, but now, both parties worship the almighty greenback. Just pray for all of them and trust that you'll see what God was up to all along. Make sure also that you've researched whoever it is that you're voting for. They should believe what you believe in as much as possible. That's why Danny Tanner is voting for John McCain!  

  8. Nobody wants to "get rid" of god.  The left simply doesnt want to shove it down peoples throats or legistate is on people.

  9. Since the Democratic Party is so liberal I am afraid it would be this party.

  10. Don't confuse civil freedoms for religous beliefs. Both the canidates are religious men, but they know when to seperate their personal feelings for what's best for everyone.  

  11. Neither party should be for God, that goes against everything the founding father's wanted for this country.  Either party can have people of faith in it, but the party itself should not be for or against God.

  12. as mccain would say

    The one  where the beer and the politics pay

    where never is heard

    an encourageing word

    And the Math is not fuzzy all day!

  13. Ever notice how atheist act just like atheism is a the point of persecuting people who believe otherwise? I believe in a separation of church and state to the effect that no tax breaks should be allowed for religious entities,and that politics should not be spoken from the pulpit. Do away with the moral majority, and practice spirituality as a character issue instead of a voting block.

  14. I hate to tell you the obvious but there is ALREADY chaos in this world. Both parties are guilty of doing away with God.

    I'm Pro-Choice because I think the issue is between the woman and God Himself. I don't see many Pro-Lifers waiting in line at orphanages to adopt the thousands of babies that were spared abortion but remained unwanted. They seem to think it's better that unwanted children are birthed then left to die in homes where they are abused, unfed and dehydrated. Seems to me that the Christian thing to do would be to ensure that these children had homes and properly taken care of, but they'd rather just tell people what to do and not do a darn thing to help.  

  15. Liberals have been anti Christ for years,Just wont admit it

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