
Which Presidential Candidate do you feel will do the most for adoption reform and why?

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Which Presidential Candidate do you feel will do the most for adoption reform and why?




  1. Hillary Clinton....because she already has

  2. Mike Huckabee will probably do the most (negative and positive depending on how you look at it) for adoption because he wants to overturn the ruling of Roe V. Wade.  This will cause a rapid increase in population and girls looking into adoption.  


  3. I'm really disappointed to hear that Hillary Clinton called adoption rights a "non-issue".  I was going to say her until I read the answers you had already gotten .  I wasn't aware that she had said that.

  4. I don't think any of them give a rats ***, unfortunately

    I've also seen Hillary quoted as saying it is a "non-issue"

    Shame on them

  5. I really don't think adoption reform will matter to the candidates or the elected president.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  6. BPD, I like this question...very good one, indeed.

    I will say right off that I will note vote for anyone who states that adoptee rights is a "non issue."  That is what Hillary Clinton has given as her point of view on this issue of equal treatment under the law.  

    Mitt Romney does belong to the LDS church.  Unfortunately, LDS adoption agencies have circumvented fathers' rights, opposed adoptees' rights and have been non-supportive of single mothers.  There are cases in the court system that involve LDS agencies who have circumvented fathers' rights.

    Generally speaking however, I agree with others that adoption reform is not much of an issue at all to the candidates.

  7. I would be surprised if any of them paid any attention to that issue.  My guesses are, in no particular order, McCain, Obama and Romney.

  8. Not Mitt Romney he's LDS and they don't believe there should be a single parent raising a child in fact they go out of their way to talk a single mother into giving the child up and as far as the natural father they won't inform them and lie boy do they lie.

        My son has been fighting LDSFS for over 2 years and they learned what to do now Just take the mother to a different state to have the child so the natural father won't know where she is so they can adopt with out his consent.

       They haven't changed since Sept Dawn where they killed and stole the children. Mitt Romney would make it so hard for adoptee's to get their records because LDS doesn't want them UN sealed. Listen people didn't you hear him say let's make the world better make sure people get married before having children. I'm for marriage but that doesn't mean that all couples who are married stay married.

    Hillery is pushing for faster adoptions so not her. McCain would be my pick. He seems more out for what is right and what is wrong and he doesn't flip flop so much.

    Mother of grandson that was kidnapped, stole or what ever you want to call it by LDSFS. Been going through that nightmare with my  son and read about, at least 5 other fathers fighting LDS.

  9. If you vote for hillary solely on the basis of her s*x, you are as ignorant as if you voted for Obama solely on the basis of his skin color.

  10. Ron Paul...

    Cause he knows what needs to be done...

    To bad I am Canadian...

  11. Hillary Clinton. If you are a woman you should be voting for hillary. Shame on you if you dont.

  12. None of them will do anything for Adoption reform.

    Adoption reform needs to change at the state and federal level and the laws need to change. The laws on the books do not protect the children. Children have no rights until they turn 18 years old. They are the property of their parents and are treated as such in the courts.

  13. Mitt Romney is from the Church of Jesus Christ, he's a mormon. "They take care of their own". I was a member. I was pregnant when I left my husband and I was a disgrace, and if I had been a "good" wife, then I would have stayed and accepted his abuse as God's will. They talk out of one side of their mouth, but they have an agenda.

    I'm putting my vote with Hillary because it's time we get a woman's perspective in the White House. Men having been deciding on the laws that govern our bodies too long. Hillary is highly intelligent and handles herself with great dignity.

  14. I have called Obama's people and they have no comment.

    I am waiting to see about Hillary's.

    McCains people have not answered

    Huckabee's people have no answered

    Romney's people took my name and number...never answered.

      I think that is telling....the answer is NONE of THEM.

    Non of them plan on making an REAL change....same old...same old.

  15. I doubt this will be at the top of their list.  Ending the war, healthcare etc that will come first. I have never heard any candidate mentioned anything about adoption or FCS.

    It will probably take a president who is adopted or has adopted children for them to make this top of the priority list.

  16. None of them.  This is the least of any of their worries.

  17. I have asked myself this and other questions about our next election and I honestly have no answer.

    I'm not sure it's a big enough agenda for any of them no matter what they say at this stage of the game.

    I don't mean to sound cynical but the promises fly and then we get left flat just about every 4 years.

    I wil listen to any input on this subject if you think you have a good candidate.

  18. I'll go with McCain.  He and his wife adopted their daughter Bridget from Bangladesh in 1993.

  19. Good question, BPD Wife  (and see below)

    Oh my goodness, Laurie and Heather, did Hillary really say adoption reform was a "non-issue"? Hmmph! Do you have the link or citation to that? I totally believe you (adoption reform does not have a strong enough lobby compared to adoption agencies, and none of them have much influence compared to big business, etc.), but I would just like to see the context, maybe spread the word, etc.

    I have no idea where he stands on adoption reform (would guess he does not have a stand), but I've decided to support Barak Obama. I've been thinking and reading and not making up my mind for awhile, (I really liked Edwards for many reasons, and from reading his wife's book I believe that losing their son gives him a depth of feeling and understanding that would be a good thing in a president.), but I vote on Tuesday, so it was time to decide.

    And yeah, actually, my support for Obama does have a lot to do with his being Black. And I don't see anything really wrong with that. Being Black is part and parcel of who he is, as is being the son of an immigrant, being raised by a single mother (of another race), spending part of his growing up years living abroad -- all these things are parts of what has made him who he is. And I believe these things give him a nuanced understanding of what it is to be an American and a citizen of the world. And I think that is sorely needed right now.

    And also, because my daughter is a person of color, I think having a Black president will help to make her world a better place.

    Okay, stepping down off my soapbox now


    BPD Wife, may I also say here, that I personally hope you stick around. For your own sake, you might want to stay out of the fray of who is on what "side," because from what you said on the other question this is taking a toll on you--which I can understand and empathize with. Oh darn, I'm not saying this right, yet again. I'm not meaning to sound condescending, truly. I just value your voice and your knowledge -- and it would be a shame if you left completely.

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