
Which Product Is Better?

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We are going on a long car trip there will be four 4-year-olds. The car has three rows of 3 seats and one row of 4 seats. The little guys get 2 of the 3 seat rows [2 kids per row]. So there will be one seat in between each child. We are getting two organizers - 1 per two 4 year olds. Which one looks better?



Also, does this look nice? We had 2 plastic travel trays for our two 4 year olds kids, but somehow they got cracked. Do these look nice, do you suggest another brand? We would buy one for each of the little guys.




  1. I like the second one, it looks very easy, and cute, like the kids would be able to get to everything without help, and constant asking for things. I like the trays a lot too. I say anything that makes them more self sufficient is great! Have fun!

  2. i like the second on better. It looks like you have more room to put stuff and its very colorful.

  3. Number two is really cute/functional.

  4. I tried the links, but they did not show a product.

    Edit: I like #2. It looks like it attaches to the seat at the top. Does it? If it does, I would definitely get that one so they can't throw it off the seat. I also like the travel trays. We have some of the rainforest stuff here, and I think it's so cute.

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