
Which Rabbit cage litter pan and hay holder?

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okay i got my rabbit and he is a male lion head he actually chewed on his cage and chewed it SO much that it broke on both sides. so now i have to replace was a plastic cage and looked exactly like this one...

i gave him one of those hay rugs and plenty of chew toys, but he still chews on his cage...i am going to buy a new one but do not want a steel cage unless it is colored...preferably blue. please tell me what i can do to prevent him from chewing on his cage and if there is a stell cage that is colored..please give me a link to the website. also he chewed his tray that held his hay and his litter box...please give me a link to a picture of a blue litter box, water bottle, hay holder, and cage...i need a cage that is atleast 40 cm long....THANKS! any advice is appreciated!




  1. you need to let your rabbit out for longer my rabbit is noew out for 8+ hours and has stopped chewing his hutch alltogether!

  2. Just like birds and other animals, if kept in a cage too much rabbits can get bored. I had a hamster that exhibited this behavior, and simply letting him out of his cage more often to run about or explore in a ball may satisfy his craving for attention and adventure:)

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