
Which Racer or Racers do you love to hate?

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Whilst I admire and respect all bike racers. From Club level to Moto GP, anyone who has the nerve and skill to do what they do derserves respect.

However some of them get on my nerves, with some of the things they say,do or maybe the way they act.

A few names that always generate a lot of passion (positive and negative) Are Carl Fogarty, Max Biaggi and Dani Pedrosa.

Who winds you up and why?




  1. Hi Neilgtti. After reading a few of the above answers. I guess i miss Sete gibernau. I used to love to hate him. always making excuses and spitting out the dummy about Rossi trying to kill him. He did a d**n good job of that himself, when he ran into team mate Loris. He was always good to laugh at.  I think I'm going to replace him with Lorenzo. If he has the said talent, so be it.  to borrow a phrase from Dingo, I think we will see him throw the toys out of the pram fairly often.

    I'm with everyone else on the Pedrobot. don't hate him just cant warm to him. and as a foot note if Rossi starts to get grumpy I'm going to go off him before too long. despite his awesome talent.

  2. It has to be Lorenzo! There is just something about this boy that drives me crazy! I admire him as a rider but as a person, he looks so cocky and he acts like he is the best rider ever... And then again, he has a certain charm going on around him. So yeah, he is the one I love to hate :)

  3. John Kocinski.

    ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** **********

    I love to hate this guy.

    He was ( and maybe still is ) an amazing talent on two wheels. The guy is also a freak. Almost black listed from all the world known teams for his " Honda : My motorhome is haunted " spoof.

    The guy is a fcuked up wiedo, but was a great talent on a bike. I remember watching him in 1993 with the great Tetsya Harada ( on the Telkor Fellaci Yamaha )  at Phillip Island. J.K was on a rubbish, slow and out dated RGV Suzuki, but still came a very close 2nd. At this point I thought there was some good about the guy.

    After a few years had pasted, I read an article by the god like Kenny Roberts SNR, saying they he spent over 50 Hr's straight cleaning the inside of BRAND NEW , FACTORY built motorhome!!

    What a loon.

    I always look at the " what could have been " factor, as it happens with this dude, he is now in the real estate business selling poncey flats all over the world. Rumor has it ( P.B Mag ) in his first year of real estate he made more then his last 10 years of bike racing. He has never looked back.

    To say the least, this guy was a wasted talent, and it is also true to tell he  is now truly MINTED $$$$$$$.

  4. Hey Neil

    Bingo, bingo, bango - you seem to have named the 3 that would be on the tip of most peoples tongues! I can't say I feel much for any of the above one way or the other, but they sure are great examples of why women often go for the strong silent type! LOL

    I never hold a slip of the tongue, or off the cuff remark aginst a person (I often only remove my foot from my mouth in order to shoot myself in it!) but these guys just have that  errrrmm - yeah WHATEVER! vibe about them and I find my eyes glazing over when their bash hats (and wigs?) come off!

    I would have to go with the Pedrobot at present though, no precise reason, more a general uneasyness that he may actually be a robot.

  5. I'm a huge Haga fan. The guy is fast. Its fun to watch because he takes some interesting lines that the other guys don't. He pushes hard and sometimes that backfires for him. I hope 2008 is his year. He's long overdue for a championship.

    I'm not a big Pedrosa fan. I don't hate him the way some people do but I don't tend to like him very much.

  6. Well anyone who has read my posts in the past will know that I think Fogarty was overall just a complete ar*se. A great rider I admit but taking all else into consideration the overall package was just awful with no personal class at all. A loud mouth, self publicising waste of space. He is still at it sayiong what a great expert he is and team manager but yet he has done nothing at all - though of course that is always someone elses fault.

    John Kocinski would have to be right up there too. There isn't enough time or space to list all the things about that gimp that annoyed many people. Remember the famous comment he made "If you ain't American you ain't sh*it" - well that summed him up perfectly as he didn't even stop to think that by saying that then it means that if you are American then you are sh*it. I am not saying that I agree with that by the way before anyone gets upset - I am an ex USA resident, love the place and think Hayden, Edwards, Rainey, Lawson and Schwantz are some of the absolute best.

    Of the current crop Lorenzo gets my goat a bit. He was trying too hard to become a funny character but you can not manufacture that. It is something that you either have, like Vale does, or not. Lorenzo doesn't he just came accross as an arrogant, annoying little git. I hope he matures a bit now he is in with the big boys, so I will give him another chance.

    Pedrosa is not a guy that I have warmed to yet though it would be too strong to say that I dislike him. However as you mentioned elsewhere, if he is slagging off Hayden then he has slipped even more in my opinion.

    Overall though I would have to say that with the exception of Fogarty and Kocinski then racers are overall a pretty admirable bunch.

  7. Definately Lorenzo. As has been said before, you cant grow a personality and he cant carry his celebrations off as well as Vale can. Im all for celebrating a win, but dont try to copy anyone!!!

    Used to really like Casey Stoner too and wanted him to do really well in MotoGP (which he has) but he seems to have a personality not unlike Dani Pedrosa and cant enjoy his wins! Relax and enjoy it!!

    Miss Biaggi and Gibernau for all the antics on track, but they dont wind me up as much as Lorenzo!

  8. Pedrobot.Why?,look at him.He's also a bitter little sh*t,bad mouthing Hayden,and this from the guy that almost wiped out Haydens title chance and didn't have the grace to apologise until some time after.He has been spoilt by HRC with hayden doing all the development to be handed down to him.It's not Haydens fault Honda built a bike that some of their Japanese test riders consider tiny.Fogarty,McCallen.Both full of sh*t.

  9. well for starters i am keen on Michael Schumacher, Jean ALesi, Mika Hakkinen, i certainly dislike Damon Hill, Jacques Villeneurve,Sir Sterling Moss, the ones i dislike think they are the best and rather boastful with big heads with silly attitudes but the ones i like are respectable and sensible.

  10. i have no clue...all of them re good

  11. I had huge admiration for the late Mike Hailwood

  12. Very good picks...except you forgot a couple.

    1) Sete Gibernau.....No class puke

    2) Matt Mladin (Even though he is starting to reconize other people's that he has been beat once) I hate that guy.

    The guy who likes Haga....Excellent choice....very classy guy and a great rider!!

    The tops of my list for favorite rider is.....Colin Edwards!

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