
Which Radiohead album should I get next?

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I have Radiohead's "In Rainbows" and "OK Computer" now, and I was thinking maybe I should get either their albums "Kid A" or "The Bends".




  1. each album is its own.  all of them are worth knowing, or at least worth listening to once from the very beginning to the very end.  i literally love them all.  the bends is very 90's, very brit pop, very catchy, and more traditional.  it's the closest to ok computer's sound, with ok computer taking radiohead's sound a step further from the bends.  both kid a and amnesiac changed my life.  and amnesiac has to follow kid a - it's practically a rule.  those two albums go hand in hand, with kid a going crazy and amnesiac kind of piecing that craziness together in the aftermath.  hail to the thief is incredible.  they have an amazing discography.  i don't have a favorite album or song with them.

    i love radiohead.  i saw them five times this tour.

  2. Get The will change your perspective of the band.

  3. get The Bends. love it!

  4. ALLL OFFF THEMMMM.......:]

  5. It's hard to say: each album is its own work of art, different from the others. So you will have to get all of them. My favorite, personally, is Kid A. Hail to the Thief is a little darker. The Bends is more traditional format rock and roll.

    But they are all very unique masterpieces. So, as for which you will get first, select according to your tastes (or against them, if you want to expose yourself to something new). You might like Kid A more if you're really into In Rainbows and OK Computer, but the other ones have really good, more raw in cases, energy.

  6. Get amnesiac.

    It's infinitely better than Kid A, even though they're sort of brother and sister albums. Out of those two though, I'd go with Kid A.

  7. they're both great. kid a is slightly more transcendent

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