
Which Revolution (French, British or American) should I do for a History Assignment?

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I have to choose one of the three for a history assignment. Which one is the most interesting and which one would be the easiest to research. Please attach any useful info aka sites or names of books etc.




  1. In order to do an assignment like this well, you have to choose the one you know the most about, or the one you're most interested in.  If you don't like it, you won't care what you learn.

  2. French. It's so marvelously screwed up what with the Jacobins and all. It's just jam packed with all sorts of wonderfully horrible happenings that any history professor would appreciate

  3. French, by all means. It's the most interesting and complex.

  4. Personally I would pick the American Revolution because it brought about such a dramatic change.  The form of government that formed after the war was much different than before.  The other revolutions didn't bring about an end to the monarchy system they just replaced with another.  In the case of the French Revolution they replaced a king with an emperor who had absolute power just as the king had.  At least in America after the revolution the leaders were chosen by the people.

  5. i dont really know much about the british or american but i would definitely suggest the french revolution, i have studied it before and it is really very interesting, if you type french revolution into a search engine you should get plenty of results also try search louis XVI and marie antoinette for some more interesting information which relates to the french revolution.

  6. French!

  7. The Frebriamer Revolution.

  8. If you are interested in law, then the American Revolution is the most interesting because of the serious attention the American colonialists gave to the legal foundation of Republican Government, democracy and human rights.  The British Revolution in my opinion is farely dull, and the French is fairly interesting, but has been done to death.

  9. Clearly, the US revolution is the easiest to study.   The British "revolution" was a complex process, which was not fully completed until 1689, when James II was invited to leave the throne in favor of William of Holland and his wife Mary (who was of the Stuart line).   The French revolution is vital to know for its impact on European history through World War II (and perhaps to today in the Balkans), and for being a "model" revolution for the Russian Revolution (which is probably the most interesting of all).  A good book is Mark Almond's "Revolution: 500 Years of Struggle for Change" De Agostini Editions, London UK 1996.  It has a real cool cover (taken from a famous painting, so please pardon the partial nudity).   It covers most all revolutions of note from the late 16th Century to the break-up of the USSR.

  10. pick the one you are least familiar with.  that way the research might be more interesting

  11. American Revolution

  12. Ah! If you only got the chance to choose Russian Revolution. Such an interesting one. But personally, I would choose the French Revolution. It has all seven sins: Greed, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Vanity, and Envy!

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