
Which Rugby position should I play?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18 years of age, about 5'10", 200lb, most weight in my legs, fitness is okay, not particularly fast, but not slow by any means.

And I just wondered if any of you seasoned experts could tell me what position I should be looking to play.

Many thanks





  1. Second row or possibly Number 8.

  2. You are a bit short for second row.You need to be fast and really fit to be a flanker, so that leaves #8,hooker or prop. I think you would make a good hooker. Props and #8 are usually big all round.

  3. if your looking for a rugby league position you would be good for a prop like me. If youre looking for a rugby union position i can't help i hate rugby union

  4. you should play on the field

  5. luke, i wouldn't exactly call myself a seasoned expert but I'd say, if your a guy with that low centre of gravity with good strength and you made it sound like your a quick guy, I'd say #8.

    That's what I play, if you like to lead and play hard rugby (quick to the maul and tough in the scrum) you'll really enjoy the spot.

    ps- without mentioning you get to pick up a try now and then.

  6. I would suggest your best position would be just left of the Severn Bridge'

  7. youd be good for hooker..

    great strength for in the scrum

    hey ya might play for ireland some day n win like we did 2 day!!

  8. Assuming this regards rugby union

    It all depends on how long you've been playing and what you skill level is; however from your post id gather that you've never played rugby before, so id recommend starting out in the forwards, you say that you weigh 200 pounds but this could be fat or lean muscle, if fat id recommend playing in the front 5 depending on how tall the other lock forwards are at your club, if they are around your height or less try playing in the second row, or alternatively try playing as a prop or hooker i think your the right height for a tallish hooker or a average to smallish prop. However if you are quite lean try playing in  the back row probably as a number 6 (blindside flanker) as you don't have to be too big or fast and is one of the most exciting positions on the pitch. to go back to the start anyway if you do have some rugby experience and think you've got good ball handling skills then possibly consider a backs position maybe as a winger as this is one of the position where it is easy to pick up the game around you as you do not get the pall as much as most of the backs, you say your not too fast but as long as your not slow you could be a power winger (Lomuesque if you will) and bosh smaller wingers.

    anyway hope this helps


  9. You could play second five,because they dont need too much speed they need a bit but not too much. Your about the right height and weight. Either that or hooker, but backline is funner! =D

  10. Front row is the only place really, the only other place you can get by without speed is second row and you're too short to play there.

    So if the other prop is a similar height play there if not hooker is your only option.

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