
Which SIGN do you not like AT FIRST...but then...?

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Which SIGN do you not like AT FIRST...but then you start to like them more and more once they open up to you and befriend you




  1. All of them.

  2. Taurus.....I tend to think they were boring drones (when they are only reserved), but they are actually quite funny, and have a lot to show me that i don't know....their self-sufficient mien is calming and comforting.....and although they are opininated, i love hearing strong opinions LOL...

  3. There isn't a sign that does that for me. Maybe Gemini.

    But most Sagittariuses that I've known are the exact opposite. I've loved them from the start.

    Taurus here.

  4. I don't judge people based on their sun sign at first. If I like or dislike someone it is because of their personality and them as an individual. I'm a big believer in astrology but I think it's taking it a bit too far when you don't like someone just because of their zodiac sign. Astrology is a tool that is meant to guide and teach us. Not generalize and stereotype. The minute you start doing that then you have problems. People should be looked at as who they are at first and nothing more.

  5. Probably capricorn, taurus, virgo, pisces, cancers, aquarius.

    I'm gemini

  6. sagittarius.

    i used to think they never took anything seriously, and they thought life was a joke. they didn't posess my emotional nature, so i used to despise them.

    but then i noticed we have EXTREMELY similiar senses of humor, and i love it when they tease me. it makes me happy when they do so because i know it's out of fun, and i find myself playfully teasing them back.

    their optimism often makes my natural pessimistic streak melt away, and i love their protective nature.

    they make me feel good about myself and i find them to have a knack for naturally building ur self esteem without even trying.

    they have taught me to give EVERY single sign a chance. i love every sign for diff reasons, so i usually focus on the person more. but i found sag to befriend me after i got to know them.

    cancer sun

    aries rising

  7. I noticed that I didn't care much for Cancers when I first met them. But I got to know a few of them better and learned their signs, etc, and realized that Capricorn and Cancer have more in common than they have differences. Now, I seem to like them almost immediately.

  8. I'm a capricorn, I dont like Aries when i first see them, but then we're OK :-)

  9. I don't really dislike anyone because of their sign its just interesting reading about it.

  10. im virgo and I will have to say virgo itself.

  11. Libra.

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