
Which SWIMSUIT do you like the best??

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There's six i like but i can't decide which one I should get....

Please help me out!





  1. first or last one

  2. i like the second one in the first row. it's not too much but at the same time it's noticeable

  3. I think the plaid one is kind of nice (#3)

  4. The plaid one is cute, it can go with bright or dark colors. The black one with blue flowers is pretty, it can go well with dark colors.

    Third best...the plain white one.

  5. The last one on the second row.

  6. Yah, middle bottom one

  7. The 1st one or the 2nd 1 on the 2nd row!

  8. Umm 3 and 6!

  9. 1st, 3rd and 6th are dead nice but i like 1st and 6th best!

  10. Last one first row.

  11. I like 3 & 6 !!!

  12. The first one, top left!

  13. I think the middle bottom one is the best but wich ever one makes you fill confedint is the best one.

  14. I would pick it on were your going with it puplic or privite and if you think its sutable

  15. the second one on the second row

  16. i like the 2nd one in the first row

  17. 3rd one.

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