
Which School is better for advertising programs IADT or Art Institute of Ft. lauderdale,FL?

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I am looking to get my B.S. in advertising and I already was sold on the Art institute, My boyfriend just got a great job here in orlando and really doesnt want me to move to Ft. lauderdale so i looked for a school here in orlando(IADT) now I am torn between which school has better accredation, grad. employee placement, better lessons and courses and of course cost. I will pay extra if i know im getting the best education however I will not pay the most for a Joke education. Please help me Im torn.




  1. I would strongly recommend staying away from any IADT school.  Their accreditation is shaky at best.  The Art Institute schools are slightly more expensive but the level of instruction is far greater.  I have transferred from an IADT school to an AI school and I would not look back.


    The best thing for you to do is to contact both schools and actually speak with professors in those majors. I always learn more by asking the right people the right questions.

    Look at actual projects that have been worked on at both schools. This will give you a great idea on what to look forward to. Some projects might be similar between both schools, but I believe the ones that challenge your creativity and uniqueness are most important. In marketing, you should never limit yourself! :-)


    Also, I believe a large part of your decision (considering two schools) should be based by the actual curriculum followed by both schools. AIFL runs on a quarter system. Attending the Art Institute of Washington, I realized that a quarter (11 weeks) feels slow but goes by fast. There are pluses and minuses to this: a plus is that you definitely learn more faster, a minus is that you might not learn everything you felt you needed to. I couldn't find the curriculum for IADT online.

    I can guarantee you will learn more in a class with less people. A good question to ask is how many students, on average, are in the marketing/advertising classes. Get an honest answer. If it's 10, GREAT! If it's 30, not so great.

    Remember, when it comes to lessons and courses, it's about personal time spent with professors and projects vs. length of courses. Other than that, it's up to you to learn as much as you can and use your knowledge everyday.

    On a side note, the most ironic part of figuring out which of the two schools has a better marketing/advertising program is that, if they offer this major, they should be pretty good at marketing themselves. Marketing is all about fulfilling a need and positioning a company/organization's products and services to the market correctly. So, you have to ask, did they do this for you?

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