
Which Shoes should I wear for my first date??

by  |  earlier

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Ok well that was just to get your attention! But please help! I'm reposting this hear because lots of people go to thins catagorey. Ok so I REALLY like this guy. I always tell him hi and stuff. And try to walk with him. And ok yes I do flirt with him. Well he asked me out. We used to go out 2 years ago. But i'm not aloud to date. I would secretly go out with him but I don't want drama. And he's really dramatic and he will like hate me if I say no. But i don't know what to do! Please Help! Btw going out with is really just Ok i'm your gilfriend let's walk with each other and tell our friend i'm going out with you. Not really like going to the movies or something.




  1. Umm.

    How old are you? You sound like a little girl denying eating the cookies with choc round her mouth. Say yes if you want. Say no, face the drama.

    What is better? A shriek from your folks or a boy?

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