
Which Should I buy? Wii Or XBOX360?

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I have a little over 400 Dollars saved up over a 2 week Period from my paycheck, So should i buy a XBOX360 With the game Grand Theft Auto 4? Or should I buy the Wii With the Game Pokemon Battle Revolution? Also if you know the prices for a wii console or a Xbox360 Console tell me that also. Thank you, Best answer Get 10 FREE points.




  1. The Xbox. I have a Wii and a 360 and don't get me wrong, the Wii is fun and it has it's ups and downs but the Xbox has alot of great games and an amazing online community. Also, if you like shooters and action games get the 360. It has Grand Theft Auto 4, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, and many more. Note that all of these great games are rated M and mostly all of the good xbox games are rated M so if you can't play rated M games do NOT get the 360.

    BUT...if you like adventure games and fun family games get the Wii. It has The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (which in my opinion is the best Wii game) Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Mario galexy.

    Based on my facts here, and what your taste in games is, get whatever system fits your gaming pleasures best.

  2. The Wii is much more fun.  It costs $250 not including tax.  The Wii gets you moving and there is a great selection of games.  I love the Mario games (who doesn't?!).  The Wii is really fun if you play with your family and friends or by yourself.  Also, it is meant for anyone, so I'm sure you will love it.  The Xbox 360 is more for hardcore gamers, so if you are a casual one, then you will prefer the Wii.

  3. nintendo 64

  4. You should get the Xbox. How should I know?

    I own both, and I can say that the Xbox is way better. The Wii was good in the beginning when all the games that are out now were new or looked good, but in the near future, there won't be a good selection of titles, and once you play all the good ones, you're wii will probably gather dust.

  5. dude go for the n64 best system ever made make sure u get ken griffey jr. baseball and supermario 64  

  6. Buy the XBOX 360 because don't get a stupid pokemon game because Grand Theft Auto 4 is way better than any pokemon game.

  7. Wii has the best games.  

  8. I would get a 360 because i recently sold my 360 so i could get a wii and i have regretted it ever since because of the graphics the downloadable content and the controls on the wii get old really fast : ( and if your a hardcore gamer the games suck : ( they are good for beginning gamers but you said you wanted gta4 so get a 360 : )

  9. don't liston to these break box fanboys if you get xbox 360 for the graphic and gameplay you rather get a ps3 but I think the wii is the best it has

    best game

    best gameplay

    best controller

    stronges conelo

    never overheats

    new games

    mario and zelda

    free online

    but the xbox 360

    need to pay for online

    pay for wifi

    pay for everthing


    scarches your disk


    red ring of death

  10. xbox 360

    wi sucks

  11. Who couldn't want the wii over the 360!? Wiis are less expensive and better than 360 in everything but graphics but fun games makes it over 5 times.

  12. GET A WII!!!! if you like super Mario, and old classic games GET A WII!!!


    1: good graphics

    2: you can get on the internet!

    3: best games ever!

    4: online is good. but not the best

    5: buy really old classic games from wii shop ( NES, SNES, nintendo 64, sega, master system, and much more systems/games to buy) there only 500 wii points to 1000 wii points

    6 GET THE WII!!!

    (when people say the wii is for babys, its not so dont listen to them) the wii is for 10 & Up (good for a teen)


    1: good online play

    2 :no good games

    3: good graphics

    the wii is is $249

    i think the xbox360 is about $300

  13. Go for wii! Why, becous is a lot more fun as any orther console.

  14. Given that you are old enough to earn a paycheck, and according to your pic, I'm assuming you're a guy, get the XBOX 360.  Get the Arcade version with the newer processor.  It has had hardly any problems compared to the previous versions.  Here's what to do with your next few paychecks - get the xbox gold (online) membership for $50 for 13 months.  It's like having additional games because many times the online play is better than the actual "story" mode of the game.  Call of Duty 4 is a great game, but the online play is awesome and the excitement of the play will last for a long time.  

    I don't play GTA4, because I'm not too interested in the thug type of violence, so I can't speak too much about that game.

    But there is this game for the 360 called Bioshock that won game of the year 2007.  It is the best game ever.  It's so good that they are making  a movie out of it.  (You also might consider buying a gamestop edge membership.  Discount on used games, and if you don't like them, you can return them within 7 days.  

    I have Pokemon Battle Revolution, and it was a disappointment, and once I beat the game, that was it.  Pretty boring since I got the 360.

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