
Which South American country has the most open minded girls?

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I've encountered too many closed minded girls who would not accept me being/making babies with ANYONE ELSE BUT THEM... so I'm wondering if they're all selfish like that or if they are more open minded and supportive of the man in other parts of South America???




  1. Your only hope is to try to find a colony of Mormons that left the U.S. when polygamy was outlawed,although there are still outlawed groups in the U.S. There may be these Mormon groups scattered in So.America,they do have missionaries working these latin countries. Become a Muslim, with a good income,& go to one of the prominently Muslim countries.  The women of these faiths, are ammendable to being "sister wives" that is if the Men will let you share in their Bounty.  Out side of these options ,no women in any of the world will  tolerate & eccentric,ego ridden selfish,self centered fool like you. God help the babies that your DNA supplies.

  2. Are you serious? I dont think you'll find a woman anywhere in the world where it would be ok to have a baby with one woman and then go off and have  a baby with another. Women like that are called IDIOTS.

  3. Do you think the geography can make the difference???

  4. And what makes you so special that you think you deserve to father a lot of babies everywhere? It's not a question of open-mindness, it's a question of who IN HER RIGHT MIND will accept you as the father of her children!!! Go on, polygamy is punished with jail time so be my guest!

  5. the islamic religion if i'm not mistaken allows u to have up to  5 wifes, with the condition u can provide for all of them.

  6. What a joke.. Get Real...

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